sam, hey, it's been a while. looked for you at the ten year reunion. you missed out. three days at the disneyworld hotel. partied ourselves silly. couple of your old flames were there. you remember jill, with the knockers. blew up like the goodyear blimp. but check this. well, i'm glad you did. and i'm sorry. why don't you tell me about it. oh this. chiropractor did a number on me. i don't really have to wear the thing all the time. a guy from the insurance was here. go ahead, sam. shoot. let's see what we've got here. i figured, you know, it would be darker in here. you can tie whoever did it to sandra van ryan. lady has some deep pockets. that's all i'm saying. not in here. chiropractor comes in here for lunch sometimes. you're not in bad shape, really. i know you think you are, but you're not. let me tell you why. sandra van ryan. for you to be getting this kind of heat, for what they have on you. it doesn't add up. sandra van ryan's got 'em running scared. and i'll tell you something else, you rush, you get careless. sound nice? it's a fucking drug rehab farm. it's where kelly van ryan went when her morn fished her out of the swamp. meanwhile, you get educator of the year i mean there's no way they can put this thing in front of a jury. shit, they haven't even taken your statement yet. reason? they're still shoveling dirt and my guess is, they're coming up empty. now tell me i'm right. good. so what we're going to do is march right to hunter's doorstep. we're going to insist they take a statement. we're going to tell them to charge your ass or get off your back. they're walking a fine line here. defamation of character, malicious prosecution. fair enough. let's go make a statement. all right, all right. enough. we came down here to make a statement. we've made it. if you're going to charge my client, do it now. i didn't think so. let's go. come on, let loose! you'll get over it. we've got a knockdown, airtight, motherfucker of a lawsuit against sandra van ryan. just like that? these people ruined your life, bro. i told you they were going overboard and they did. they'll settle. believe me. they'll be begging to settle. tom baxter. good to see you again. besides an apology? okay tom. my client wants your client to saddle up. so we can ride her ass all the way to the bank. so long, tom. come by sometime. we'll have lunch at the beef bowl. look, i know there's a part of you wishes none of this had happened. but it did. now take the money and get out of here. find a happy place.