thank you for having us. we'll each talk for ten or fifteen minutes, then open it up to your questions. let's begin with a question. what is a sex crime? i've got that two o'clock in town. you're saying that kelly was raped by sam lombardo. or maybe she thought that was what she wanted and she got a little more than she bargained for. that would make it about the time of her old man's suicide. you don't think that could explain some erratic behavior? it's our job, gloria. why don't you tell us one more time, how kelly came to be with you, alone in your house. the one you bought at school. in cutoffs, a wet t-shirt. and she wanted to talk. but you can't tell us what she wanted to talk about. and she began to cry. and you put an arm around her. but she ran away. but you do admit to touching her, to putting your arm around her. isn't that against the rules? with a thirty-five inch bustline in a wet t-shirt with no bra. sit down, lombardo. not that stuff about her running away, him trying to find her. that's bullshit. we've got three. guy mowing his yard, couple of kids playing hoops. still doesn't explain why he couldn't catch up with her. i mean how long does it take to put on a shirt? you're telling me you believe the guy? i'd better return this. seen any good gator wrestling lately? yeah, well, van ryan got his. i don't imagine he gives a shit now. you remember that little girl walked out of our talk at blue bay? this is where she lives. she wants to talk. beats the shit out of me why she would call me at all. i busted her once for possession. she wound up doing about six months at camp nine. it's a shithole. but she was dirty, what was i gonna do? evening ruby. i see you still got walter. i was sort of hoping something had eaten him by now. suzie called. you know where we can find her? meet my partner, gloria perez. so suzie, you called us, remember? no. it doesn't look like it. you saw the news today? hey, don't back away from it, you were right. we did look stupid. what you were wrong about, is who made us look that way. think back, before the suit was filed, before the trial. lombardo had an affair with sandra, right? so why not tell us about the affair? i mean it could be a hell of a motive for kelly to fabricate her charge in the first place. i thought of that. then i said, come on, you're lombardo. your reputation is getting trashed. you want to stop the bleeding. you don't want to sit in jail for three months. unless. unless you're setting up sandra van ryan for the big payday. they chumped us, gloria, right from the start. the job looks okay to us. but look at it from his point of view. the man's surrounded by wealth and privilege. but for him. it's just a reminder of what should have been his. your old man graduates from blue bay school, you're not supposed to wind up there. board of directors maybe, but not in the lousy guidance office. now. point number two. i've run a financial on lombardo. guy was eyeball-deep in debt before this all happened -- trying to keep up with pricey trim like barbara baxter. her father didn't leave her squat. the kid's got money in trust from her grandfather, but she can't touch that till her mother dies and sandra seems to have the idea that kelly ought to learn the value of a buck. i flat don't like the guy, glory. he's dirty. and i'll tell you something else. you want to know how old man lombardo lost his money? he was fucked out of it by old man van ryan, on a little item known as the salt creek land deal. it was after the war. van ryan set up a corporation to develop swamp land, got investors like lombardo to put up money, then turned around and got the state to declare the area an ecological preserve, on the sly, of course, but everyone knew it was him. the freeway went to the coast, right where van ryan wanted it. you got it. the rich got richer. while the saps like lombardo went belly-up in the swamp. i net a guy in a bar. nice stroke. curiosity, i guess. actually, i was curious about how you see things working out, for you, sam and suzie. you all gonna go down to the caribbean together? the thing about it is, threesomes so rarely work out. i've been a cop for a while, kelly. it's hard enough for one person to keep a secret, let alone three. and then there's the love angle. i mean do you and sam really want that little pill-head around, now that you have the money? am i right, did sam sell you on the idea right up front, of whacking suzie? that's murder, kelly. you're good. but you don't think that little ditz suzie's gonna hold together, do you? you ought to watch it with that shit, suzie. you get busted again, you go back in a two-tine loser. yeah, they're bad for your health. i'm tryin' to look out for you. well, you're half right. best thing you could do for yourself right now would be to talk to me. every triangle i've ever seen never lasts. somebody's got to go. you, kelly, sam. is that what you think? you have friends? is that what they told you? suzie, suzie. this is me, ray, you're talking to. we both know you don't have shit, never have had shit, never will have shit. here, suzie. i want you :o look this over. know what it is? sam deposited his check, transferred the funds to an offshore bank, a numbered account. not even the cops can find out whose names are on it. think one of them's yours? he also put a down on some island property, and a lease-to-buy on a forty-foot sailboat. you're into sailing, aren't you, suzie? don't you see what this means? you really think sam and kelly are gonna give you a third of the money? you, the pill-head with the rap sheet? you know, i don't think i ever told you i was sorry about your little friend. what was his name? come on, suzie, help me out here. you know his name. that's right. that was his name. sometimes i wonder if you're really as dumb as you pretend to be. but you know what? i'd be keeping a clear mind right now if i were you. i'd hate to see you come to a bad end. like davy did. you heard kelly say "sam." that was lombardo on the phone. and you saw the girls. i don't believe i'm hearing this. a month ago you were pulling these two apart at the courthouse. they were acting. they were all acting, from the beginning. and we bought it, hook, line and sinker. and now they're home free with six million of sandra van ryan's money. what? you wouldn't go after some guy you thought raped your daughter? cone on. she bought the same story we did. you think this is just about money, about us looking foolish? question him. you're gonna find a stone cold manipulative psychopath. and those girls are going to wind up dead. guess i kind of lost it there. were you ever in a situation where you could see a thing coming and you didn't do what you could to stop it? i mean something bad, gloria, something bad you saw coning, and you didn't do anything, and then it happened. i did that once. i don't want to do it again. been four-wheelin'? i'm not on your property! you say she didn't come back last night. may have been she just partied too much. but we'll look into it. we find something, you'll be the first to know. it's starting, gloria. this is how it begins. i'm gonna take you back to the office. will you put out a call on suzie's car for me? just check out the car. you and suzie used to come out here together? lombardo ever come out here? i say something funny? way i hear it, he was pretty tight with the kids, one of the guys. i'm going to be staying here, jimmy. you can catch a bus up there at the lot, okay? people aren't always what they appear to be, kid. remember it. lonbardo and kelly killed her here. those are suzie toller's teeth. the swamp, most likely. lombardo's a swamp rat, knows the body will never be found there. but he's made a mistake. you don't think sam could've put it there? how soon can we get something? poor dumb suzie, she never had a chance. kelly's next, gloria. will you do me one favor? what if i'm right, gloria? what if i'm right and hunter's wrong? what do you do if you see a bad thing coming? stick with me on this gloria. i need you. if i'm wrong about those teeth -- it's a promise. the teeth doin' any talkin'? what about the blood? second you get something on those teeth, i want it ray. what's happening? where's lombardo? the blood type on the rocks matches suzie's. detective duquette, ms. van ryan. let me in. now. where is she? i'm placing your daughter under arrest. suzie toller is dead. you don't want kelly to be next, then take my advice. stay out of my way. i fucked up. i lost control of the situation, the one thing they train you for. god, what did i do? i told kelly van ryan she was under arrest for conspiracy and murder. i did her rights. kelly went crazy, started screaming. i grabbed her, put her on the floor. bit, scratched. but i had her pinned. she calmed down. i was going to cuff her. she said she thought she was going to be sick. she asked to use the bathroom. i told her i was coming with her. she nodded, like she understood. we stood up together. she looked shaky, but lucid. i thought, i would just go with her, stand at the door. i think i looked away. a split second. then, bingo. just like that. she puts a knee into my groin. there was this coffee table between us and the wall. she got one foot on that thing and launched herself at the gun case. thing had a glass door. i could hear it breaking. i didn't go down, but she slowed me up, just enough. before i could get to her, she'd turned on me with this small caliber handgun. i yelled at her to put it down. she got off a shot. i took it in the shoulder. i. i had no choice. i returned fire. two rounds, i think. in the chest. i went there to protect her. the teeth, were they. buy you a drink? nice girlfriend you had there. the bitch shot me, is what happened. hey, what did you want me to do, die? did you become squeamish about these things before or after you bludgeoned little suzie toller to death with a wine bottle? jesus, man. it couldn't have worked out better. they're convinced kelly whacked suzie. i can't talk 'em out of it. we should be celebrating. this thing worked out just like you said, only better. every cloud has a silver lining, partner. here's to no loose ends. you mean this thing? i thought this was supposed to be a vacation. why didn't you buy a nice big power boat? yeah, or get me drowned. that how you planned it? you take cut suzie, get me to hang it on kelly, then dump me in the ocean. you. you're. you're dead. for godsake. you. i should've killed you myself. should never have left it up to him. sam, for christ's sake. sam, for godsake.