can i help you with something? you know the way. you won't shoot her will you? i don't believe she's armed. she's been sayin' she was going to go to l.a. but i don't know. i mean all her clothes are still here. an' she's missin' her graduation. she should graduate. she's a smart girl. gator can't see what's in front of it for shit. they see out the sides. that one don't even know walter's arm's in his mouth. then i guess walter can kiss that arm of his goodbye. he don't use it for no good deeds anyway. you come all the way out here to watch walter? about suzie? he used to come around here. he had a thing going with one of the girls over at the glades. got sort of hung up on her, from what hear. no. not after that night. i don't know what happened. maybe he caught her with some john. all i know is, the next morning the girl was gone and there was a dead boy. indian kid named davy. used to live down the road there in a wrecked car. him and suzie were at the glades that night. it was right after that, ray got suzie busted and sent her away. that's what there is to say about ray duquette. duquette always claimed the kid was dusted, came after him with a knife. but it was jack's fish camp. this could be the moon for all most people care. wasn't supposed to be like that though. this place was supposed to be something once. there were going to be roads and houses. there was going to be a town. they were going to call it salt creek. you asked if suzie knew about the salt creek land deal? girl read every book she could find on it, the van ryans too. wasn't enough van ryan had to destroy the people who invested here. he got to be old, he and his rich cronies would come down here, hunt and whore, act like assholes. one trip he showed up with this young girl he'd picked up somewhere, gotten her pregnant then dumped her in the swamp. that came with her. she had it, before she drank herself to death. wasn't exactly a love child. raised her like she was, but no, walter's my only child. he was a good boy, till the army took him. and the other girl, kelly. suzie's niece. you okay? there's an old saying from the everglades -- virtue may be missed but sin can't hide. folks pay in the end.