we've come to the halfway point in my senior seminars. come on. beats study hall, doesn't it? thank you, jimmy. something kirk with which i'm sure you have hands-on experience. we've all heard the words, date rape, sexual harassment. we've talked about some of these things in this room. our speakers today head up the blue bay police sex crimes unit -- detectives ray duquette and gloria perez. they're here to give you what we hope will be a fresh perspective on these subjects, and to answer any questions you night have. hey, carole, you too. and be good. this is one of the original buildings. we have the offices here now. sam lombardo. the first. class of 'forty-two my father. art. say hello to detectives perez and duquette. art maddox. a fellow guidance counselor. i have the feeling, they got it down already. they're a step ahead of us, artie. if old pictures interest you, come back some time, there's quite a collection down in the pagoda. i'll see you get a proper tour. okay, you guys. good work. now coil those dock lines and i'll see you all on monday. that's about all it's good for. that's the one to have. the windward passage. i crewed on that one summer. long time ago. hey, you're working for it. least you're supposed to be. well, you know. figured i'd buy a washing ticket, support the effort. that old jeep of mine's kind of a waste of time, don't you think? okay, try me on sunday. i'm going out to the everglades on saturday. you guys can wash the mud off. what about you, jimbo, you need a ride? a ride. you want one? we got room for one more, suzie. you need a ride? i won't. hi, sandy. can't. got a passenger. i can't, sandy. i've got to run. sorry, sandy. i've got plans. swamp's where it's at, sandy. gives you a look into the muck we all crawled out of. you ought to try it some time. eat a power bar. no i didn't. check out the jeep. it's nice and dirty for you. but you might want to wait a minute. the mercedes is leaving. in back of the garage. kelly. senior class fund-raising gig. i told 'em they could hose down the jeep. hey, come on. it's for a good cause. so, where you off to now? jeez, that thing. can't you. all right. i'll have to look for it. give me a minute. sly old fucker. how you got so big, wasn't it? barbara? counseling. sandy. what's up? no. didn't you see her this morning? so maybe i'm a one-woman man. goodbye, sandra. that's good, jimbo. i'll see you on monday. what's left of my sailing class. talk to me artie. is accusing me of rape. jimmy told me. apparently i'm the last to know. this is insane. that's great. i'll just tell my creditors i'm not a rapist. no problem. shit. i can't believe the board's going to act without even hearing my side of it. ken. i'm in some trouble. i need an attorney and you're the only one i know. so i figured i'd start here. what did you do to your neck? georgie, hey. i'm meeting barbara. she here yet? barbara. yeah, i'm okay. good thinking. forget it. i know how deep her pockets are, ken. i thought i might be able to save my fucking house with an equity loan. guess who's on the board of directors at the bank? can't you take that stupid thing off? what's that supposed to mean? nellie gail ranch. there's nothing for them to get. i just want my life back. story's the same, detective. i had to go look for this coupon. like i said, i hadn't really expected to use it. anyway, i'm going through a drawer. i hear a car. i look out the window. i see nicole driving away. i leave my room, and there's kelly. yes. yes. i could, but it's confidential. look, the point is, we didn't talk. i told her this was not an appropriate time or place. yes. mainly to turn her toward the door. i told her we would talk on monday, in the office. again. i think we covered this. i told her i was going to call a cab. that's right. no. there's a strip mall not half a mile from my house. there's phones there. i cruised the place, but i didn't see her. i figured she was probably there but that she was angry and didn't want to be found. i don't know. maybe i should have called. but it's not like kelly can't take care of herself. i figured we'd just take it up on monday, in the office. it is and i don't. ordinarily. but, i mean. there's this kid standing in front of you crying. fuck you. this is bullshit. i'm outta here. i've spent the last ten years of my life working with kids. i love what i do, and i think i'm good at it. these kids trust me, and there is no way. no way in hell i would ever betray that trust. i've found that adolescents make the best liars. they're old enough to be good at it, but you want like hell to believe them, because they're still children. i was just thinking about where i'm gonna stay. i lost the house. it's like waking up from a goddamn nightmare. just like that? you don't think you're overdoing it? lizards don't seem to miss me. how you doing, artie? take care of my lizards, art. kelly. look, kelly. i'm sorry. i know what you've been through. i should've seen something like this coning. you see. i couldn't stay, even if i wanted to. thanks ken, you did okay. damn maid. ahhhh! jesus christ, what are you doing? about six and a half million dollars. god, you scared the shit out of me. you must be crazy coming here. jesus. two million one hundred thirty-three thousand three hundred thirty-three and change. now calm down. both of you. from now on, if we're seen together, it's got to be accidental. i thought that was understood. kelly, for christ's sake. the only way we're gonna blow this now, is if we do it ourselves. we have to stick with the plan. kelly. is suzie there? shit. i was afraid of that. she left this garbled message on my machine. can you calm her down? no! christ. listen, kelly, i'm counting on you. you calm her down. i mean do whatever you have to, whatever it takes. then do it. i need you on this kelly. do it tonight. we'll figure something out. okay? put kelly on too. okay. i want you to hear this too. we've got to be cool. all of us. people think i'm rich, for christ's sake. i'm doing what rich guys do. i'm spending my money. it's more suspicious if i sit around doing nothing. now don't let this cop fuck with your minds. give this idiot something to do. let him look into the kennedy assassination. next time this guy drags me down here, i'll sue you. you're goddamn lucky i didn't sue you the first time! you look pretty. hey, i've got it, i may as well spend it, right? i've always wanted to live where i could dive for my dinner. i was thinking, antigua, maybe. i'd like that. suzie, it's okay. it's me. i was worried about you, suzie. i decided we should all get together, one more time, before we split up. no, no. look, i probably should have told you a little more, about the part i intended to play. we'll go through it all again tonight. this is a celebration suzie, not a suicide pact. we'll chill out first, have a drink, watch the stars. kelly, there's a beach blanket in the jeep. could you get it for us? let me tell you about this boat i picked out for us. i'm sorry, kelly. i'm sorry it had to happen like this. she was losing it. are you okay? hello. duquette. forget him. yeah, he got her busted for possession. and you believe her? kelly. relax. take one of your mom's valium or something. in another week you get on the plane. it's over. we're rich. so if they're tapping your phone, we're dead. stay in the guest house. skip the graduation parties. you'll never see duquette. okay? i love you. isn't that against the law, peeking into windows? how long? maybe she used another name. i don't know what to say. goddannit. i don't have to. come here. i want you to see something. kelly's file. read it. you're going to find an angry, sexually confused girl who's made threats on her mother's life and a female lover she'd never identify. you're telling me ray thinks suzie was killed. i don't have to ask you who he thinks did it, do i? all i'm saying is, read that, you'll have a new perspective on things. then -- i still had ethical standards to protect. they meant a lot to me. now, i don't care. and no amount of money can buy that back. my ride. if you're not planning on arresting me, that is. jesus. i wasn't expecting you 'til tomorrow. yeah, well, you fixed that. what the hell happened, anyway? well, shit, you're the cop, they don't teach you to disarm people, shoot them in the leg or something? you weren't supposed to kill her for christ's sake. kelly was supposed to be framed, not killed. what i'm telling you is, i don't like surprises. here's to no more surprises. ray. you see that winch by your head? take a couple of turns on it for me, she's luffing. yes, we call it a winch. and these are shrouds, and these are stays. come on, man. i'll make a sailor out of you yet. jesus, man. you okay? come off it, man. it was an accident. i can't. that was about as grim as it gets. but then you knew what he was like all along. maybe his killing kelly was a thing you had counted on. that was the same thing ray said. okay. grab that winch there. what's wrong? okay. come here and take the helm. i'll get the winch. you know the place i'm talking about -- the big rocks? we gotta stop. i'm gonna come. that's not your line. i love you. now give me the line. yeah, real funny. you're wrong about this, i could get busted on the spot. buy you a drink? we? how. i think there's some things you do, you don't want to see yourself doing them. you think that's wise? well, z guess one taste wouldn't hurt.