is that sam lombardo? sam! hi! what? you're going to drive off without even saying hi? why don't you come in, have a drink? he can wait. i'll bet. look, sam. why don't you come by this weekend. we'll take the boat out. what? running over alligators with that silly swamp jalopy when you could be sailing a real boat. goddamnit! hello. jesus h. christ! sam, sandy van ryan. listen, kelly skipped school. have you talked to her? shit. here we go again. to tell you the truth, i haven't seen her since friday. never mind. i found her. listen, sam. it was good seeing you the other day. i haven't found anyone else can handle the jonathan like you can. look. i know you're seeing barbara baxter. so what? right. you really think you're gonna get one of these blue bay women to marry you? grab a clue, sam. you're a hired hand around here. enjoy it while it lasts. the nerve of some people. you seem to find guns therapeutic. maybe i oughta try it. let me guess, some boy didn't call and screwed up the weekend. so you're taking the day off. whichever one i want. okay, what's the matter? i would hardly say you look like trash. come off of it. you run with all these little trust fund brats. they think money grows on trees. it doesn't. believe me. and a lot of your little friends are gonna learn that one the hard way. i'm trying to spare you that. kelly. what is it? jesus. well, i do too, sometimes. he didn't have to kill himself, kelly. he could have gone out and gotten a job. christ, he could've found another rich woman. he never had a problem tucking my friends when we were married. i don't know why he did it. i really don't. can i get you anything? what, honey? i can't hear you. what? he. sam lombardo? my daughter does not get raped in blue bay! that's right. the guidance counselor at blue bay. are you okay for this? the man must be insane to think he can do this to me. i hope you're going to nail his scrotum to the nearest wall. you're going to let them get away with this. this shit? on the word of one little white trash bitch. you've got to be kidding. i'm not paying any idiot twenty million dollars. i hope you're happy. i'm here to congratulate my friends and their children. i'm leaving again tonight. where, the mall? who is it? where she lives. in the guest house. now will you tell me what this is about? you can't.