i'm not going to listen to this jack-off. jesus. it took you long enough. what if somebody was trying to strangle me? or fuck me in the ass, even? i mean, you guys are sex crimes. i did. at blue balls. it's celine. he's okay. he had a pretty good line on what cheap fucks people are. did they arrest mr. lombardo? will they? then he'll be back at blue balls? yeah, maybe, a little. you didn't tell me you were gonna put me on the fucking news. about a year ago. yeah. no. yes. i guess. yeah. okay. he did i wanna go home now. i didn't say a thing to him. he just put his arm around me. told me i was pretty. i could be really pretty, he said. shit, what difference does it make. nobody's gonna believe me anyway. okay! he did. he pushed me to the floor and he did it to me. now, can i go home? no. he stopped by himself. okay? that's all. let me go. don't touch me. he did say something. he said, "no little bitch can ever make me come." he pushed into me. i couldn't stop him. it hurt. because. it was the biggest i've ever seen. and i've seen a lot on their way through jack's fish camp. i said he did. this wasn't my idea. look. i just don't want to get into any more trouble. mr. lombardo didn't rape me. he didn't rape kelly either. he didn't do anything. i'm sorry. i don't know. i just wanted to hurt mr. lombardo. he was my friend at first. then i got busted. he didn't even stick up for me. i had to go away to that hellhole. it's like, you're his favorite, then who cares? you wanna know something? when kelly said we should do this, i thought cool, all these big shots screwing me over, like that cop, duquette. now they're gonna get screwed. kelly's pissed at mr. lombardo, too. she's in love with him. i mean her whole fantasy is him since her old man died. then she found out that mr. lombardo was doing her mom. i mean that was it. how much is about six and a half million divided by three? you don't know duquette. i'm the one he busted. he's a fucker, man. he'll fuck us both over. i'm not going back to that prison. that's what it was. a fucking hell hole. yeah, but he can't push you around like he can me. you've got family and they've got clout. with we it's different. with me. man, i wanna smoke a joint. you got something against cigarettes? that's cop bullshit. about what? is this supposed to mean something to me? what triangle? i don't have to listen to this. and you can't shove me around. i have friends now. i don't mean who you're thinking. i have other friends. get away from me. shut up. davy. i'm scared, that's what. i'm scared there's no one to trust. sam. but i. yeah, right. you're gonna fuck me over, aren't you? you are. that's what i am to you, isn't it? swamp trash. it's what i am to everybody, just like my mom. what brain? what are you looking at? i thought we were goin' to a movie. i wanna live at the beach someday. kelly? kelly? are you mad at me? rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. nice move. good thing i was here to save your incompetent ass. shoulda, coulda, woulda. get him in the water. hey, ray. guess whose name is on the numbered bank account besides yours and sam's? i like these joint survivorship accounts. something unfortunate happens to one of the signatories, the others don't have to worry. are you worrying, ray? men, use 'em abuse 'em lose 'em. feeling better? the guy was history when he killed kelly. you knew that. but then it is better this way, don't you think? no loose ends. what? poor ray. come on sam, we did it. we put the screws to the van ryans. we won. talk about paranoid. now are you gonna teach me to sail this big old boat or not? fuck the winch. i wanna drive. you've got the pressure too tight. you'll crush the fucking evidence. seems to like some of the same places you do. funny you never met. trust me, the guy's dirty. he'll like it. especially the part about offing me. now get out of here. go make yourself a new friend. you like bein' a caddy for rich kids' problems? i've seen you out there in your old air boat, thinking about what might have been, old man van ryan hadn't fucked you out of it. what if i told you i had a way we could get a big piece of it back? well, i'd need the famous lombardo charm, not that you'd have to do anything you haven't done already. walter. he's been aimin' that brownie through knotholes for years. i saw these, i knew he'd finally struck gold. i can't decide which came out better, that little straw kelly's got up her nose, or that vibrator you've got up her ass. what do you think, mr. lombardo?