gentlemen! don't make captain west any later for his appointment than he already is! been a lot of death threats lately . cabinet made me hire some damn detectives. drink, cigar? i hear you let general mcgrath get away? artemus gordon. of course i know him, he's the best marshal i've got! he's a genius. gordon has proven himself time and again as a very cunning operator with a rapacious intellect. nothing will stop him from completing a mission for his president. except the impulsive actions of a headstrong cowboy! i am the president of the united states! i am the president of. . i'm artemus gordon. will somebody tell me what the hell this stunt is all about!?! you're clever, gordon. one day it'll get you killed. and you, west -- not every situation calls for your patented approach of shoot first, shoot later, shoot again -- then when they're all dead, try to ask a question or two. working together will be good for both of you. you work the way your commander in chief tells you to work. ten of our country's best scientists. all kidnapped in the last year. by general mcgrath, it now seems. the fact is, gentlemen, you've both been working on the same case all along. why did it take you so long to realize it? i don't have time for this bickering! one week, if we're to believe this. 'general grant, the scientists that you seek are in my employ -- -- creating a weapons system beyond the pale of contemporary imagination. history and justice are on my side. i suggest you put your affairs in order. you have one week before you will surrender the u.s. government.' this letter was delivered inside this. wait! gentlemen! i'm leaving today for utah where the transcontinental railroads will be joined at promontory point. for the first time the united states will truly be united. someone wants us divided. now look, you two are the best i've got. put aside your differences and stop this madman. whoever he is. if you fail, well. we may never know how great this country could've been. you have a week. dismissed! may god continue the unity of our country. as this railroad unites the two great oceans of this world. yes, dr. loveless, what can i do for you today? flank him, left and right. what proposition is that? i didn't realize we were at war. gordon, you've got a lot of brass. where's west? well, gordon. was this part of your plan? never will i sign that paper, never will the united states ever surrender! where'd those come from? you've had my answer. well, i'll be damned. it's west and gordon. flying! keep that surrender handy. i think you're going to need it! son, never apologize for saving a president's life. drop 'em. we'll be joining them in a moment if you can't stop that thing! let's see how clever you really are. gentlemen, i now strongly believe the united states is going to be truly united. not because of this railroad. but because of you. i've signed into law the creation of an agency whose sole duty is to protect the president and the country from lunatics like loveless. welcome to the secret service, agents no. 1 and no. 2. i don't think that matters very much, do you? gordon? besides, you'll have plenty of time to discuss it on your new assignment. see you back in washington. well, i'm taking it of course. hell, you let loveless blow up mine.