put me in the dungeon with all those smelly, dirty bearded men . but i am not goin' in there. yeah, a standing up position. i'm an entertainer, not a. yeah. well gimme a simple diamond bracelet instead of that. try again, buster! really? i'm rita. i was hired here as an entertainer. not that i'm complaining, but what are you doin' in here? if you're so special, how come you're lookin' up here when loveless has 'em all workin' down in the dungeon? get me out of here and i'll take you down there. thank you. artemus, was it? um, maybe i haven't been quite honest about that. my name is rita escobar. i came to find guillermo escobar, the scientist, my. father. excuse me? he's impulsive, james. excuse me, i think i'm going to be sick. that's a nice way to talk to people. well, i know that. i'll tell you if you take me along. the girls at the mansion. they talk. 'i vonder if my hair vill get frissy in ze desert? vhere is diss ooo-tah anyvay?' but. i can help you. well, i heard you talking about why all those foreign guys were at loveless's party? you want me to tell you? this is fantastic. you can cut it with a fork! how'd you cook it? they were mad about something, you know? something about a real bad deal in louisiana on purpose. and queen somebody-somebody of france got swindled. i'm a frightened, starving, half- naked young woman who only wants to find her father! please, jim. my father's the only family i've got. what am i supposed to do? sit home and wait for news he's been killed? or go do something! what would you do, jim?! i know you'd never let him take me back. i've seen you shoot. speaking of sleeping, i'm pretty tired. artemus, do you think i could borrow something to wear? what's going on? you know you could put a gun on that thing. i won't let loveless take me again! i'd rather be dead! please, artemus, don't leave me alone! it's a trick, i know loveless. well, they uh. seemed so. sure that they could find you. and i thought if i stayed with them. they'd lead me back to. all my friends. and not to give you a big head but. i kinda missed you. queen of spain. king of france. i was close. artemus! she's. no! serves you right for staring at them. meet me after the show! jim. arte? i just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. before i went back home to texas. i can't go with either of you. it's not that you both don't have your attributes. you're so sophisticated and such a wonderful cook. jim, you're good with a gun. and have great legs. and you're both so brave. but. i'm afraid i haven't been completely honest with you. professor escobar's not my father. he's my husband. well, i was going to. but would you have really brought me along if i said i was married? honestly. i didn't think so. at least you still have each other.