push 'em harder! no rest at mid- day! we need to make ten more leagues by dark! we're going into battle, little one. find a woman to take care of it. madmartigan! what did you do this time? i always knew you'd end up in a crow's cage. you're lucky somebody got to you first, madmartigan! i'd've killed you myself after that stunt at land's end! hey, remember? you don't need my help, madmartigan. little rabbit trap like this? come on! i could open it for you, but i wouldn't wanna insult you! you're nothing but trouble, madmar- tigan. and i got plenty of that. stay in your coffin and rot! madmartigan. settled down with a family huh? you managed alright. it's you they're after, madmarti- gan. what did you do this time? who is this baby? give her to us. we'll protect her. tir asleen is a myth. it doesn't exist. you gonna be a hero, madmartigan? i've lost half my men fighting kael, and bavmorda, and the nock- maar army. now you and this peck, and that magpie up in the rafters, are gonna take 'em on alone? the war is here! in towns and vil- lages like this! you're chasing a dream. one day one of us willl stand on the other's grave. thought you might get lonely, mad- martigan! let's go. make camp! we'll assault at dawn. uphill with our rough weapons, we'll never make it! it's too much work. come on, madmartigan. you gonna listen to a peck? you and i are warriors. you know this plan will never work. let's squah 'em!