we will start the ritual at dusk. you're certain this is the one? i must see for myself! just as the omen foretold! so. you *were* the one. this child will have no power over me. where's the baby! find that baby! use the dogs! sorsha! kill her. kael! we must start the ritual! who is that? where is sorsha? purify the altar! arrange the im- plements! i'll deal with sorsha! this is not an army! you dare to challenge me? you are not warriors. you're pigs! you're all pigs! you made your decision! begin the ritual. now! light the first candle. come, thunder. come lightning. touch this altar with your pwer. come into my tower. dark runes, dark powers! blend and bind, bind and blend, universal night! and the might of nockmaar! black fire forever kindled within, let the second right begin! ocht veth nockkthirth bordak! sorsha!! you are a weakling. like you fa- ther! can you not see that i am about to become all-powerful! raziel!! my ritual will kill the prophecy! now the child dies with it, its en- ergy exiled into oblivion! you see? i hold the power of the universe! and who will stop me? the elements are slaves to my command! as above, so below! universe of evil, raziel! it conquers even you! *stop! bring back that child!!!* who are you? is that the extent of your power? place it on the altar. by ritual, by sorcery, i well draw the lightning and send this child into the destructive realm. you're no magician. even i don't have the power to do that. you're a fraud. impossible! bordak! bordak! aaaaahhhh!!!