not today, willow. intuition, willow -- remember? i know you're eager to be my appren- tice, willow. but today is the spring festival. willow ufgood! come before me! earlier today you tried to tell me something, willow. a daikini child. . of some importance, i feel. importance. yes. this child is special. this child must be taken beyond the boundaries of our village. all the way to the daikini crossroads. the outer world is dangerous and corrupt, vohnkar. and this baby is hunted by blood-hungry beasts. are you willing to sacrifice your life? i will consult the bones! the bones tell me nothing. but i must make a decision. is there love in your heart for this child? the bones have spoken! willow? the security of this village depends on you! now, you know where you're going? down there, through those trees, follow the river. you'll know the crossroads by a big daikini struc- ture. willow, this is serious business. don't waste any time, the outer world is no place for a nelwyn. give the baby to the first daikini you see, then hurry home as fast as you can. you're strong enough. but you're going to need courage, willow. real magic, willow, is simply the art of controlling the reality of others. you lack faith in your- self. you must learn to trust your intuition. go in the direction the bird is flying. waste magic on revenge? you have much to learn, willow.