hey, peck. get me some water. or you'll diiiiie! peck! you're a weasely little peck! gimme some water! please? i'm dyin' of thirst in here. don't make me angry, peck. miserable pecks. that's more like it. why. i'm somebody. lemme out and i'll take care of your baby. peck! quick! douse the fire! no, you fool! put it out i say! out! no!! no! help! stop! thanks for your help, peck. as if you care. i saved your life, peck. those guys woulda killed us! you wanna give your baby to them?? they eat babies! the world's gone insane. good men locked in cages, criminals running free. it doesn't pay to be honest, peck. hello, willow. i'm madmartigan. you a woodcutter? farmer! i knew it! you're a vic- tim, willow. yep, you and me: victims of a rotten, corrupt, cor- rupt, rotten world. listen, willow my friend. i'm really a good man. give me my freedom, and i'll look after that baby for you. trust me. that's it--good--good--like that, yes, good, good, the chain--that's it, come on--come on--! peck!! stupid peck! i'll kill ya! let me out! morning, willow. sorry i yelled at you. i've been in this cage toooo long. can't think straight anymore. owww! these burns. my arms. ouch. aaaaaahhhh. better. here, i made something for the baby. a tooth. i'm strving. i got no used for it. smells like a battle. the greatest swordsman that ever lived. you hear trouble. a hundred horses. five or six wagons. and about six thousand fools. he thought you were a woman, airk! nothing you wouldn't have done it my place! least i'm not down there herding sheep! airk! come on, airk. lemme outa here. gimme a sword, airk. i'll win your war for you. i'll be around long after you're dead, airk! you slime! when i get outa here i'll cut your head off and stick it on a pig-pole! hello, little baby. whatcha thinkin' about, willow? nobody's gonna take your baby. know why? nobody cares. except me. you wanna go back to your farm. you wanna go back to your family. i could take care of that baby. i'll look after her like she was me own. ahhh! but i know a lot of women who do. why, if i had somebody in my life--a little daughter for instance--i'd have a reason to live. willow. you can't let me die here. not when i wanna help you. i will. absolutely! of course! i promise! come to daddy, little darlin'. i think she likes me! don't worry, willow. she's in good hands. you haven't made a mistake. you've done a great job. now you go back to your family and get your crop in. where the hell did you come from? you're crawling with rodents. how do you do. these pecks make terrible nurse- maids. they get too excited. time to leave. no. i mean yes. i can't. i can't. why not? because she's sick. gawd. you're. beautiful. that girl is a vision. i thought you had her! now willow, i know you're gonna blame me for this but it wasn't my fault! when i left the crossroads, i got ambushed by an elf! i did? i mean, of course i saved her life. she's almost my daughter, isn't she? not a bad idea. so you're on your way to tir asleen, huh? i hate to tell you this, willow, but tir asleen dosn't exist. the fairy queen? and the baby here's a princess? and these two rodents are your guides? yeah well. in the morning i think i'll be on my way. my help? a great magician like you? you don't need any help. what's with you, peck? i was in love once, willow. she had a hold on my heart. i could barely function. i *was* a great swordsman! i was knighted! i could have been king! yeah me. king! but she betrayed me. she robbed me of my dream. i'll never fall in love again. relax, willow. we're having fun. gold!! we'll find a way, willow. look over there--that looks like a village--maybe they've got a boat. come on, what are you waiting for? give me a hand here, peck! it's nothing to do with you. yeah? who cursed it? ahh, he's trying to protect the gold. come on, willow. jump in. rool! teemo! you were right! this whole tree is made of gold!! wait! gold! gold! my gold! no!! help!! willow!!! willow. you. you got. magic! wait. we could team up! don't worry, willow. if there's one thing i'm good at, it's charm- ing a woman. so. couldn't live without me, huh? still got what counts. willow, why don't you use your mag- ic to get us out of here? he turned that monster into stone! then you get us out of here. i won't. nice horse. nice hair. real nice hair. i'd say you've got the most beautiful hair i've ever-- mmmm, i love the smell of a woman. i'm torn apart already. i mean it! under all that armor is a beautiful-- who is that girl, anyway? forget that one, madmartigan. now that's a woman! you got that one covered. i'm beginning to think you two *deserve* to be locked up. we're a tiny version of all that? hurt him and you'll answer to me! did she ask about me? come on, peck, don't give me a hard time. you were in her ten all night. did she say anything? willow! well what did she say? she's in love. what are you gonna become, raziel? queen of the rodents? what do *you* call it? too bad you're not more like your father. we gotta get the baby out of here. not bad, peck. i'm impressed. you busted the lock. let's get elora danan. you're a magician, willow. but i'm a thief. wait here. i'll get the baby. i love you. i'm not going to let this baby die. i believe you would. say what? because it's true. i wish it weren't true. i swore i'd never let this happen. i hate you. i hate your beauty, i hate your innocence, i hate the feelings you've awakened in me. i'm in love with you, sorsha. i don't want to be, but a power has enchanted me and i stand helpless against it. it's torture. battle- field or prison cell was never half as cruel. i want you and i can't have you so i want you all the more. if this were another time and another place i'd-- whoops! willow! jump on the shiled! sorsha! i didn't betray you. i love you! willow! willow! are you all right? help us. you left me to die, friend. is this what's left of your army? you'll draw the others. they're not after me. they want the baby. then come with us. just get me some horses. once again, airk, we say goodbye. want me to carry elora? she's doing a lot better than we are, peck. willow. this may be a bad time to ask this question but. what if raziel's wrong? she's a bird, willow. watch it! go, willow! run! run! willow! willow! hurry, willow! throw it! sorsha. whose side are you on? out for a little ride in the coun- try, airk? thank you, friend. sorsha! any way in there? we've come for elora danan! turn her over to us! can you use your magic to get our men into the fortress, raziel? willow, this is war, not agricul- ture! i don't know, willow. we'll probably die here, sorsha. time is running out. we must now decide who's going to leave and who is going to stay. airk!! airk! airk! madmartigan. you're a brave warrior. a true friend. a good man. we're gonna win this war, airk. goodbye, peck.