tongue. we are emissaries of her majesty, queen cherlindrea, of the land of coshairm. she requests the presence of your- self and the young princess. you're the guardian, aren't you? elves! they're always tormenting babies. they make them cry and take their tears. no! you let us handle this. come along, rool! watch this. right between the eyes. ooops. was that right? that wasn't right. take your time. don't worry about the elves. they won't come out here. relax. they only come out at night. hurry! queen cherlindrea will know what to do. come on. this is a privilege. no- body ever gets called before her majesty. talk! say something! hey, careful there! i'm not going in there. northeast is that way. we've come west and south. i think. are you sure? that tree dosn't look like gold to me. its branches are supposed to be made of gold, solid gold. the sorceress. obviously. queen bavmorda transformed her. we gotta follow them. get back here, rool!