hey! do you think you could have parked any further from the entrance? what time is it? i'm two hours late?! shit. sorry. you should've just left without me. that's what i would've done. hurry up and pop the trunk so i can stow my shit. why don't you just get the engine started and put the heat on? i can handle this. where are you? no, we're just rolling out. . believe me, i tried, but i couldn't get a flight. it's my own fault for waiting `til the last minute. what, are you kidding? i'm bored to tears. no, we're still on the highway. how should i know, all highways look exactly alike. uh oh, somebody's upset. i better call you back. who do you think? ride board guy. okay, `bye. what, i'm the in-flight entertainment? i've got news for you, i don't get much more entertaining than when i'm on the phone. what's that mean? so you're from wilmington, huh? where'd you go to school? st. vitus? you're making that up. pretty much, yeah. okay, fine. huh? what? there were about a million people in that class. it was like woodstock. did you ever see so many eastern religion types? so, what's your major? no. why? why would you assume anything about me? we just met. try engineering. which is basically reincarnation, right? he died of syphilis, you know. next gas station you see, do me a favor and pull over. i gotta pee. that phrase. `keeping your eyes peeled.' it's kind of creepy, if you think about it. they use a laser. laser. i'm having corrective eye surgery over the break. it's okay. i'm not really worried. i'm not worried? because i hate wearing glasses. how do you know? i don't wear them outside my dorm. never. i didn't expect us to find a bathroom so soon. my nails aren't dry. that's okay, they'll be dry in just a second. you are not carrying me inside. what are you doing?! wait - thanks. you can let me down now. hey. hey, i'm locked in here! didn't you hear me banging in there? you think it's funny? me locked in? you're telling me you didn't just hear me banging on the door? forget it. let's just get on the road. are we lost or something? my half of the gas. what do you mean? isn't that how ride-sharing works? -- we split everything fifty-fifty? what the hell are you doing!? no way! get back on the highway. i mean it, get back on the highway right now! this is not going to happen! we're in a valley. fm radio waves travel in a straight line. they can't penetrate big obstacles like hills. try am. so. does your family do the whole traditional christmas thing? how's that different from the regular santa claus? charming. my folks split my freshman year, so i spend the holidays racing between them. two trees. two turkey dinners. two sets of presents to return for store credit. so normally i can deal, but this year mom decided to rent a condo at the beach. which is like, what? two hours away. so were you a rehobeth beach family or stone harbor? we always went to rehobeth. year in and year out. jesus, i've never been more bored in my life. i was always so jealous of my friends who spent summers at the jersey shore. stone harbor is the jersey shore. you aren't from delaware, are you? who are you?! what the hell's going on here? what the hell is going on here!? you think he doesn't see us? pull over and let this asshole by. he's not stopping! please. please. please. c-calling 9-1-1. or trying to. can't. i can't get a signal here. how can you not have a cell? i. yeah, i'm okay. nothing broken. what about you? who? i don't know. i guess maybe he decided just to hit and run. in case you haven't noticed, it's coming down pretty hard. this doesn't make any sense. what now? ready? better get used to it, asshole. you drove us here, that's what you did!! what the hell did you think you were doing!? you're not driving me home because one, you don't live near my home and two, this piece of shit isn't driving anywhere. now what are we doing here? why did you get off the highway? one, you've never been anywhere near here before so don't pretend you knew it's a shortcut, and two, there's an amazing view of shit because it's pitch black out! maybe! maybe he's like your black pete or something! why the hell did you tell me that story anyway? anyway, i've got news for you. i got through to a friend's voicemail while you were supposedly unconscious. i'm sure she's called the cops by now. exactly. i bet you do. i bet you do. hey! stay away from me! you! everything! the guy- i don't know, it was weird. i saw some guy walking down the road. i don't know. into the woods. what are you doing back so soon? what about hiking to the gas station? but those places are supposed to stay open 24. 7! why wasn't it open? i'm not getting into the car with you, you psycho!!! that's not right. the clock. hey. you're bleeding. it doesn't look like nothing. that's really useful, thanks. that's not in delaware. that's, like, in the complete opposite direction! that's like twenty minutes from school! why? but how did you know where i lived? which explains how you found out i was from delaware. but not how you knew i needed a ride home. i mean, i always fly. how could you possibly know that for, like the romantic? try stalkerish. we?! no. oh, shit. i think i might've left it in the parking lot. i'm sorry. it was an accident- cornichons. i love cornichons. asshole. no! no!!! look, i'm sorry, okay? i'll write you a check for sixty bucks if it will make you get off my case. i don't know what else i can say. what? what the hell are you talking about? you want to talk about fake? how about guys who pretend to be from delaware to meet girls? that's perfect. because now that i'm not some nietzche-spouting sexbot, suddenly i'm not worth knowing. and who's fault is that? gas. fuel tank must've been ruptured in the accident. not unless you have a welding rig in all that shit of yours. and even if you did, it wouldn't matter. we're out of gas. as long as we use it sparingly, it should last the night. question is, will we? no engine. no heat. but i didn't bring anything. i'm sorry, but who could prepare for something like this?! i've got a complete winter wardrobe, it's just in delaware. and no, that doesn't make me a flake! i'm freezing. i can't feel my toes. dream on. gotta pee. because it's freezing out. we're talking about an arctic air mass out of canada. yeah, but now i've got to go. promise not to look. - did you see? - they were right here! - where'd they go?! maybe we should go back to the car. okay. wait! oh my god! who did this to you?! * where were you? * i. there was another guy. i tried to. touch him. it burns. where'd these come from? oh. give me the duct tape. uh-huh. d-don't want to sleep. because i'm afraid i won't wake up. that's what they say happens. when thank god! you don't know how glad we are to see you. someone ran us off the road. it's a shake-down. he's probably partners with the guy who ran us off the road. wouldn't be surprised if he has a deal with the tow guy, too. how much cash do you have on you? this is all we have. yeah, it's really coming down. so what do you say? how `bout a little christmas spirit here? we just want to get out of here, so if you could just- i think maybe i just want to go back- no. please. just let us go. but we didn't do anything! please! we won't tell anybody if you let us- what just. out there? but it did happen, right? or not. frostbite, second and third-degree. ski camp, seventh grade. don't make fun. what else do you have going on when you're thirteen? we have to rewarm your hands. you have ice crystals in your blood. if we don't get circulation restored you could lose your fingers. i know, but who was he? where'd he go? it's like one minute there's a, a gun to my head and the next all the lights go out and he's gone, like a, like a- no. no. i don't know! this is crazy! i can't be having this conversation. i don't want to! then how do we make it stop? what about that book, in the back? something book of the dead. god. why is this happening to us? i know. god, i'd give anything for some of those carr's crackers right now. oh no. mmmmm. ohhhh. how are your hands? that's good. it means the circulation's coming back. hang on. i think i have a few tylenol-with-codeine in my purse. i just- ". hearing the crash on nearby route 606, they braved inclement weather to administer last rights" ". also killed was state highway patrolman. continued on page seven." coming. i'll go first. you get some sleep. what's happening!? what happened? shhh! how do you know it's not a trick! he could still be out there waiting- but what if he comes back? what if, you know. we have to pee? i don't want to sleep. i gotta pee. stop talking. i'm serious! it's hard enough doing this in front of you. no. but it's not something i usually do until much later in a relationship. how long have you known? why didn't you tell me? we've got to get you some help now. you won't make it to morning. i'm going to try and hike back to the gas station- i'm not going to just sit here and watch you die! telephone poles. they must have a junction box or something to test the lines . there! see that one? so maybe there's some way i can. i don't know. jack into it or something. try and call for help. of course i don't want to! but it's got rungs. can't be any harder than the climbing wall at my gym. big fat repair guys do it all the time, right? right? what? the song! that old christmas song on the radio. it always comes on just before he shows up. what about? what wouldn't? even the last twenty-four hours? you should. definitely. do that. no!!! thank god! hi! hello! we need help! we're on highway 606! oh god, please hurry! we need help! my friend is hurt- hello? hello? - i did it - got through - but i don't know how much she understood - the operator i mean - sorry. sorry. i'm sorry. what about those ruins up on the hill? the retirement home for old priests? it's not tom. no!!! wait! don't go down there! stop! no!!! don't go near it!!! doesn't matter! he's already dead! come on. we can go now. it's over. come on, come on! wait! i know. i know!