you kids okay? dispatch, come in. i'm out at the site of that reported accident on 606. one of them didn't make it. i'm taking the other directly to the trauma unit in hadleyville. been some real bad accidents on this road over the years. when i was growing up, there was a family from new york city found out here froze solid- fire department had to hose them down with hot water for two hours to thaw them out. i remember back in high school there was a stupid rumor going around if you went driving out here on moonless nights and looked up in your rearview, you might see the dead baby in your backseat . tragic story. winter of `61 they were all found froze to death in their beds. must've been a pilot on the boiler went out, or something. doesn't this stupid son of a gun realize we're bigger than him?! no way he's going to win this fight! hang on, officer, i'm coming. hang on, officer! we'll get you out! what!!? we have to get him out of there. what the hell are you talking about? try not to move, officer, you might have a neck injury.