as samuel comes upon a figure garbed in a long black frock coat and flat-brimmed hat. the man's back is turned, could, from appearances, be an amishman. as his partner snaps from the doorway: as rachel takes book aside, and in a low voice: as book steps aside with donahue. in the b.g. rachel moves protectively to samuel's side. but it's not the bathroom; it's elaine's bedroom. she and fred are tangled in the sheets, furiously making love. elaine gasps, fred manages to grunt. a fat, middle-aged man has approached to within some feet of book, looks on edgily: a couple of plainclothesmen have paused outside the door to give him a look. meets their eyes. they move on. as eli crosses to rachel, his arm around samuel. as book rouses to semi-consciousness, in his delirium he recoils with alarm. as book lapses back into sleep. rachel hasn't removed her hand from his chest. abruptly she does so. schaeffer is tight-lipped with contained fury: another moment of silence, then book opens his eyes. book's big .38 revolver lies holstered atop his folded clothes. samuel gives the shaken book a look: as rachel emerges from the house to greet him. she also catches sight of book and she pauses, a shadow of confusion crossing her expression for an instant. as luke eyes him balefully, book reaches into his pocket, brings out some lumps of sugar. going with the trio of gunmen. mcelroy, breath smoking in the chill, eyes the terrain: as mcelroy wheels at the movement of the car's hood, fires twice. as schaeffer's eyes waver between book and eli, book slowly turns until he is facing schaeffer. the gun now leveled – and almost pressing against – book's chest. book locks eyes with schaeffer.