as samuel quickly shuts the door. a straight-faced beat; then, barely suppressing a giggle, he hurries on. as book rolls the gumball down the table to samuel. but just as samuel is about to cover it with his hand, rachel reaches over and plucks it off the table. she shakes her head at samuel. as eli reins up in the springwagon. he climbs down, crosses to glance into the car. standing in his doorway are the two plainclothesmen who spotted carter in book's office in the earlier scene. and. rachel has entered the barn, is watching book with a puzzled expression. as mcelroy pitches forward through the opening, screams and grabs as he plunges past book. the shotgun fires as mcelroy manages to hold onto book, and both men plunge thirty feet to the bottom of the silo. as book and mcelroy move out of the silo, down the passageway toward the milkhouse, stoltzfus and sam follow and. as book bends, picks up the pistol, releases schaeffer, pushes him away. schaeffer staggers against hochstetler, who – partly to keep him from falling, and partly to congratulate him on his surrender – wraps one brawny arm around schaeffer's shoulders, gives him a short approving nod. holds schaeffer as: