tightening to her as the hymn continues. where she sits among women, accepting their condolences. as hochstetler looms on the horizon, plants himself like a tree in front of her. i'm sure he does, daniel. daniel? i need time, daniel. i see, darling. of course not. we're going to baltimore. it's much nicer in baltimore. we have a ticket to baltimore. where is that train, please? immediately alarmed, intervening. what do you want of my son? samuel. samuel lapp. but what happened here is none of his affair. my sister is expecting me. our train is leaving soon. may i talk to you? zwartich. it's the way we say. dwarf. not like him. very big. no. no. it is just the english way. where are you taking us? you have no right to keep us here. you don't understand, we have nothing to do with your laws! it's not a joke. he wants to know who you are. your name. i told him we don't need to know anything about you. john book, you listen to me! i will have no further part in this, nor will my son! as god stands between us! no! we do not stay in hotels. yes, thank you very much. yes. they are english. they don't understand. i know. sleep now, liebchen. good morning. i wanted to. you were kind to take us in last night. anyway, i needed something to do. i was so angry with your brother. he's so. agaanisish! just a minute. i'll pour you some coffee. i made it a contest. the one who does best gets his cereal back first. children like to help. they only need to be kept after a little bit. please, i didn't mean. i brought your coffee. i'm sorry. i didn't mean it that way. fred. the way he looked when you screamed at him. at home you'd never hear a woman scream at a man that way. you just wouldn't. it's not the amish way. but i think it would have done me good if i could have screamed at your brother last night. okay. the problem is i don't happen to think my son should be spending all his time with a man who carried a gun under his coat and goes around whacking people. yes. and i also want to leave this city. we do not go into your courts. no you're not – you're glad, because now you've got a witness. i heard the other police talking last night. they don't seem to like you very much. i would not be too sure. he says you look very tired. i thought the same thing. but not a good tired. your sister said you don't have a family? she thinks you should get married and have children of your own. instead of trying to be a father to hers. except she thinks you're afraid of the responsibility. oh yes. she thinks you like policing because you think you're right about everything. and you're the only one who can do anything. and that when you drink a lot of beer you say things like none of the other police would know a crook from a. um. bag of elbows. i think that's what she said. good appetite. why don't you arrest that man? are you protecting him because policeman? but why would they murder. i'm afraid. i'm afraid for samuel. i want to go home. oh yes! of course. why shouldn't we feel safe in a city where the police are so busy killing each other! where are you taking us now? you couldn't wait until morning? what happened? you said we would be safe in philadelphia. kinner un narre. stay for awhile. rest. i'll make coffee and breakfast. what about samuel? will you come back to take him to trial? his name is john book. but john. why didn't you go to a hospital? but why? but – no. i know. it will go when he goes. thank you for coming, stoltzfus. go help levi with the car, samuel. no, he must stay here. we'll pray that he doesn't die! but if he does, then we'll find a way so no one knows! i know god help me, i know that, eli. but i tell you that if he's found here, the people who did this to him will come for samuel. what else can we do? where she's waiting with the big barn doors thrown open. as the mules tow the car in, she closes the doors. thank you. it's all right! you have got to lie still. yes, much better. hello. the leadership of our district. the diener. bishop tschantz is the one with no hair on top. they decided to come and see you for themselves. except stoltzfus, of course. he came the first day. i think he saved your life. only the elders. what? two days. but you can't. see. anyway, you don't have any clothes on. and besides that, bishop tschantz wants to talk to you when you feel better. you tell him. when you're able. we're all very happy that you're going to live, john book. we didn't quite know what we were going to do with you if you died. he'll leave as soon as he is able. he already wants to go. samuel! wait for me downstairs. john book, i would appreciate it if, during the time you are with us, you would have as little to do with samuel as possible. it's not the gun. don't you understand. it's you. what you stand for. that is not for samuel. please, it has nothing to do with you personally. enjoying your reading? your shirt and jacket are still stained with blood. i have them soaking.you can wear these. yes. it's good that someone can have the use of them. besides, in your clothes you'd stand out to strangers. i should tell you these do not have buttons. see? hooks and eyes. buttons are hochmut. vain. proud. such a person is hochmutsnarr. he is not plain. you make fun of me. like the tourists. driving by all the time. some even come into the yard. very rude. they seem to think we are quaint. telephone? the gunthers across the valley. they're mennonite. they have cars and refrigerators and telephones in the houses even. well. the store at saltzburg. but you won't be going to saltzburg for a while. but stoltzfus said. you can go with eli. he's taking samuel to school. but you'll have to hurry. you'd better go. oh. the bullets. eli is a fine carpenter. best in the district. he and his father built the big house themselves forty years ago. we had some lemonade and he left. you know carpentry? what else can you do? whacking is not of much use on a farm. i'm sorry. i'm sure it is. tonight i'll let out those trousers for you. eli, john is a carpenter. as well as being a fine policeman. but. you may not be well enough. when will you be going? no. you just stop – i have done nothing against the ordnung. i have committed no sin. that is idle talk. i am not a child. i will be the judge of that. you shame yourself. well. i see. but i hope you have a lot of sugar. eli is ready to go to zook's. good luck. all of them charitable, i'm sure. samuel, who is that? do nothing. this happens from time to time. it's not our way, john. we'll have nothing to do with violence! john! he's from. ohio. my cousin. john, lost control of himself. he. will be repentant. yes. samuel! we're going. you should not bother with that birdhouse. if you're leaving tomorrow. there was a time when i thought you might have stayed. there was a time when i would have welcomed it. i was being foolish? you're so sure of that? i'm not so sure of anything as you are, john book. you could live this life if you wanted to bad enough. just as i could live yours! there is always a way! but you are such a. a glotzkopp you cannot see! you'd rather go back to that city! to nothing! no woman! no children! no land! what you do is take vengeance! which is a sin against heaven! that's god's way! i could never love a man who was so. little. the other night. when you saw me after my bath. i. i tried to look as i thought you would want a woman to look. i am sorry. that i did not. eli, would you see samuel to bed? no, you listen. get out! you have no right here! you might have killed him! my son is out there! she stops. she is also unable to see samuel. already halfway out to the barn, running to gather sam in her arms. then to lead him back toward the house. i have to help him! i want you to take this. to remember by. here. whenever you want them.