how reliable is this kid? amish. what have you got? so one of them got to him. you know who? you're still convinced there's a link to the department? that's the problem. we need results. the press is driving us crazy over this p2p thing. calling us the 'speed capitol of the country'. you know the sort of thing. it's getting political. the commissioner's getting very uneasy. when word gets out that zenovitch was a cop, all hell will break lose. you've got 24 hours. that's all i can give you. 24 hours on your own. after that the case and the witness go back to the homicide department. tell you what. why don't you and that blonde – what's-her-name – come over for dinner sunday. how 'bout that. well, anyway, don't get crazy. i'll do something for zenovich's wife. i hope you don't have any doubts about that. who else knows? okay, what are you going to need to clean it up maybe the bureau. or those bastards at treasury. i'll take care of it. i hate this shit, johnny. you cut their balls off for me. i'm counting on you. what's your first move? who else knows? looks like we're going to need some help from you folks down there. i've got the woman's name, sheriff. lapp. rachel lapp. that should simplify your work. ah. no. sorry. thank you, sheriff. it's been an education. not yet. elaine, i've come to apologize for lt. mcelroy. he overstated the department's position. of course, elaine. but as long as there's any question, better johnny should come back and clear his name. elaine, i don't want to have to take you in for questioning. you've got his car, you were the last to see him – but. if you had to guess? i don't think she knows. what about carter? lean on him. you know where he is. you'd lie to protect him. you admit you're lying? you're the first one he'll contact. it's funny. i know he's hiding somewhere with the amish, i know it. can you imagine john book at a prayer meeting? our john book? either you're a member of the club or you aren't, elton. tell me what you know. i'll take it in the study. you can hang up, dear. how bad did mac get you? we figured pretty bad. johnny – listen to me, johnny. come in! you're out there all alone. we're getting close. real close. maybe if you listen to me for a minute we can work something out so you can come in – got it. we owe you one, sheriff. undersheriff holmes and i have talked on the phone. good work. if we need any help, we'll give you a shout. i'd like to slip in there quiet, then get out before we attract any attention. they don't have any shit. outside – check out the rest of the house. we're police officers. we're looking for a fugitive, john book. he's living here? you speak english. good. now listen – lady, i'm here to help you. this man is very dangerous. an armed criminal. he's got a gun, hasn't he? all right, where is he? he'll live. find fergie, check the barns. i'll watch these two. on the porch of the house, looking toward the barn. get back in there. nobody's going to hurt your son. what the hell happened? on the front porch, looking around for the location of the sounding bell. he takes a step toward the barn, the stops, looks back toward the house. frustrated. comes hesitantly down the path toward the barn, looking toward the sound of the bell, but also looking back in glances toward the house to make sure rachel and eli stay where they are. he still can't see samuel. turning, shouting: you stay put! moving out toward the barn, rounding a corner. and there is samuel at the bellrope. he starts toward him. cut that out! get down to the house and stay there! turning, starting very slowly toward the barn. he eases the hammer down on this pistol, speaks softly: okay, johnny. on your feet. hold it. get back, you people! keep moving, johnny. don't try me, johnny! move! or you die right here!