oh, we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz. we hear he is a whiz of a wiz if ever a wiz there was. if ever, oh ever, a wiz there was the wizard of oz is one because because, because, because, because, because because of the wonderful things he does! we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz! that's how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of oz! that's how we laugh. the day away -- ha -- ha -- ha -- in the merry old land of oz! ha -- ha -- ha -- each rabbit would show respect to him the chipmunks genuflect to him how? courage! go away? bug-bug-a-bug-bug-bug-bug-bug-a-boo! in a twitter the wicked witch is dead! the wicked witch is dead! hail - hail - the wicked witch is dead! ding dong! the witch is dead. which old witch? wake up, you sleepy head rub your eyes she's gone where the goblins go below -- below -- below! yo ho, let's open. up and sing low. witch? wake up, you sleepy head. rub your eyes -