fifty-seven, fifty-eight -- dorothy, please! we're trying to count! fifty-eight-- seventy -- dorothy, please! dorothy! dorothy! we're busy! i know, but we all got to work out our own problems, henry. oh, i hope we got them in time. here, here, what's all this jabber- wapping when there's work to be done? i know three shiftless farm hands that'll be out of a job before they know it! i saw you tinkering with that contraption, hickory. now, you and hunk get back to that wagon! well, don't start posing for it now. here, here -- can't work on an empty stomach. have some crullers. just fried. it's no place for dorothy about a pig sty! now you go feed those hogs before they worry themselves into anemia! now, dorothy, dear, stop imagining things. you always get yourself into a fret over nothing. now, you just help us out today, and find yourself a place where you won't get into any trouble. how would it be if she keeps him tied up? he's really gentle -- with gentle people, that is. now, we can't go against the law, dorothy. i'm afraid poor toto will have to go. dorothy! put him in the basket, henry. almira gulch, just because you own half the county doesn't mean you have the power to run the rest of us! for twenty- three years, i've been dying to tell you what i thought of you! and now -- well, being a christian woman, i can't say it! dorothy! dorothy! henry! henry! i can't find dorothy! she's somewhere out in the storm! dorothy! dorothy. dorothy, dear. it's aunt em, darling. yes, darling. there, there, lie quiet now. you just had a bad dream. oh, we dream lots of silly things when we