here -- here -- here -- wait a minute! wait a minute! stop - stop - stop! it's all right! every -- it's all right! everything is all right! the great and powerful oz has got matters well in hand - i hope -- so you can all go. home -- and there's nothing to worry about. orders are -- nobody can see the great oz! not nobody -- not nohow! orders are - not nobody! not nohow! he's in conference with himself on account of this. trouble with the witch. and even if he wasn't you wouldn't have been able to see him anyway on account of nobody has - not even us in the palace! not nobody! not. cu - horn inside of guard's cape - guard o.s. pardon me. we've gotta change the guards. now - what do you want? not nobody! not. nohow! the witch's dorothy? well -- that makes a difference. just wait here -- i'll announce you at once. go on home! the wizard says go away! oh, oh -- please don't cry any more. i'll get you into the wizard somehow. come on. i had an aunt em myself once.