come on - come on - over this way. there you are. oh! oh, it feels like my joints are rusted. listen, dorothy, don't let hunk kid you about miss gulch. she's just a poor sour-faced old maid that -- she ain't got no heart left. you know, you should have a little more heart yourself, and have pity on her. now look, here's something that really has a heart. this is the best invention i ever invented. sure. it's to break up winds, so we don't have no more dust storms. can you imagine what it'll mean to this section of the country? i'll show you. it works perfectly now. here's the principle. you see that fan -- that sends up air currents into the sky. these air currents -- oh, stop it! who did it? now wait a minute. now what happened? i'll bet hunk did that. are you all right, dorothy? look at you, zeke -- you're just as white well, dorothy was walking along the -- all right, mrs. gale. but some day they're going to erect a statue to me in this town, and -- thanks. this is my chance! the cyclone is coming. let me show you what my machine can do! you see, it goes -- all right - you'll be sorry. and me -- hickory?