put 'em up! put 'em.
up! which one of you first? i'll fight you both together if you want! i'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. i'll fight you standing on one foot.
i'll fight you with my eyes closed. oh -- pulling an axe on me, eh? mcu -- tin man trembling --
sneaking up on me, eh? why!
oh, scared, huh?
how long can you stay fresh in that can? come on -- get up and fight, you shivering junk yard! put your hands up, you lop-sided bag of hay!
well, i'll get you, anyway, pee-wee. cu -- dorothy reacts -- exits left f.g. --
what -- what did you do that for? i didn't bite him.
well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you? is my nose bleeding?
you're right -- i am a coward.
i haven't any courage at all. i even scare myself. look at the circles under my eyes.
i haven't slept in weeks.
that doesn't do any good -- i'm afraid of 'em.
well, wouldn't you feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion? i would.
gee, that's -- that's awfully nice of you. my life.
has been simply unbearable.
yeh, it's sad, believe me, missy when you're born to be a sissy, without the vim and verve. but i could show my prowess -- be a lion not a mou-ess -- if i only had the nerve i'm afraid there's no denyin' i'm just a dande-lion -- a fate i don't deserve. i'd be brave as a blizzard --
the nerve.
well, come on, then. what are we waiting for?
what did she -- do that for?
comin' to think of it, forty winks wouldn't be bad.
oh -- unusual weather we're having, ain't it?
that certain air of savoir faire in the merry old land of oz!
who's her? who's her?
and -- and i got a permanent just for the occasion.
in another hour, i'll be king of the forest. long live the king! if.
i were king of the forest, not queen, not duke, not prince.
my regal robes of the forest.  cs -- lion sings -- gestures --
would be satin, and not cotton, and not chintz.
with a woof and a woof, and a royal growl. as.
i'd click my heel all the trees would kneel and the mountains bow and the bulls kowtow mcu -- lion -- gestures, grimaces and sings --
and the sparrow would take wing 'f -- i'f -- i. were king!
genuflect to me. though my tail would lash i would show compash for every underling. 'f -- i'f -- i --- were king just king!.
i'd be monarch of all i survey.
monarch of all i survey.  mcu -- lion sings -- laughs -- speaks --
mah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- hah -- ha-narch! of all i survey!
not nobody, not nohow!
why, i'd thrash him from top to bottomamus!
i'd wrap him up in cellophant!
i'd show him who was king of the fores'!
what makes the flag on the mast to wave? courage!
mist, or the dusky dusk? what makes the muskrat guard his musk? courage!
what makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? courage!
you can say that again! hah. huh!?
would. would it do any good if i roared?
i don't know.
wait a minute, fellahs. i was just thinkin'. i really don't want to see the wizard this much. i better wait for you outside.
i'd be too scared to ask him for it.
i'd sooner wait outside.
because i'm still scared!
somebody pulled my tail.
i -- oh --
what was that?
tell me when it's over! oh!
oh! look at that! look at that! oh -- ohhhh -- i want to go home -- i want to go home!
what's that? what'd he say?
huh? what'd he say?
but -- but what if she kills us first?
"i'd turn back if i were you." cs -- two owls on limb of tree --
she - she can have my witch remover.
no, but it's wonderful for threatening with.
don't you believe in spooks?
i do believe in spooks, i do believe in spooks. i do -- i do -- i do -- i do -- i do -- i.
do believe in spooks. i do believe in spooks! i do -- i do -- i do -- i do -- i do -- i do!
what's that? what's that? take it away - take it away - take it away!
that noise don't come from no ordinary bird.
as monarch of the forest i don't like the situation.
i'd like to roar 'em down -- but i think i lost my roarer.
it's a whatzis.
why, i'll -- foul! foul!
they sure knocked the stuffings out of you, didn't they?
wait a minute. this is the left one. he walks bad enough already.
yeah --
oh -- oh -- oh -- i.
i -- i -- i hope my strength holds out.
what's that? what's that?
who's them? who's them?
fine. he's got a plan
yeah. me?
i -- i -- i -- i -- gotta get her outta there?
all right, i'll go in there for dorothy -- wicked witch or no wicked witch -- guards or no guards -- i'll tear 'em apart. i may not come out alive, but i'm going in there. there's only one thing i want you fellows to do.
talk me out of it.
no? now, wait a minute.
hah. i - i must have bitten you a couple of times.
do -- do you think it'll be polite -- dropping in like this?
listen, fellows. it's her. we gotta get her out! open this door!
the door! open the door! open the door! open the door! open the door!
oh - i was only trying to help. ohhh!
did they hurtcha?
trapped! trapped like mice -- er -- rats! mls - the winkies advancing -
what good'll it do us?
they're coming back!
where -- where do we go now?
not nohow!
real courage. that's what we want.
oh -- oh -- shucks, folks, i'm speechless!
read. read what my medal says.
ain't it the truth! ain't it the truth!
dorothy next!
it did?
stay with us, then, dorothy. we all love you. we don't want you to go.
well -- i would never've found it if it hadn't been for you.