tap - tap - tap - tap - what was that - that - that? our echo - echo - echo. the wizard - the wizard - the great and powerful wizard of oz - oz - oz-oz - oz - oz - oz - oz! the great wizard of oz. come forward! i am oz, the great and powerful! who are you? who are you? silence! the great and powerful oz knows why you have come. step forward,. tin man! you dare to come to me for a heart, do you? you clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous. junk! quiet! and you, scarecrow, have the effrontery to ask for a brain? you billowing bale of bovine fodder! enough! uh -- and you,. ls -- throne -- lion! silence!. whippersnapper! the beneficent oz has every intention of granting. your requests! but first, you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. ls -- throne -- bring me the broomstick of the witch. of the west. bring me her broomstick, and i'll grant your requests. now, go! said, -go! can i believe my eyes? why. have you come back? oh . you liquidated her, eh? very. resourceful! not so fast! not. mls -- throne -- so fast! i'll have to give the matter a little thought. go away and come back tomorrow! do not arouse the wrath. of the great and powerful oz! i said - - come back tomorrow! do you presume to criticize the. great oz? you ungrateful creatures! think yourselves lucky that i'm. giving you audience tomorrow, instead of. twenty years from now. oh -- oh oh! the great oz has spoken! oh -- oh --- oh . oh . oh - i - pay no. attention to that man behind the curtain. go - before i lose my temper! the great and powerful ---. -- oz -- has spoken! well, i -- i -- i am the great and powerful -- wizard of oz.