don't bother us now, honey -- this old incubator's gone bad, and we're likely to lose a lot of our chicks. poor little orphan, and her miss gulch troubles. gosh all hemlock - you know, she ought to have somebody to play with. yes. yes. howdy, miss gulch. dorothy? well, what has dorothy done? you mean she bit you? oh, she bit her dog, eh? of course we won't. will we, em? uhh -- yeah -- hunk, get them horses loose! where's hickory. hickory! hickory! doggone it! hick -- hey, what are you doing there? doggone you! help hunk get them horses loose! go on, hurry up! hurry up, i tell you! come on -- everybody in the storm cellar! she got quite a bump on the head -- we kinda thought there for a minute she was going to leave us. of course we believe you, dorothy.