hiya, walter. so i am. but i always like to ask. have a seat. i think you do. then you won't mind if i look around. got something to hide? i could get a search warrant. cherry? unusual design for a contemporary piece. who said i wanted to buy it? move your fucking hands away from your pockets! like a piece of shit? in my eyes, you are a piece of shit. think anyone would miss you if i threw you out the window right now? hiya, walter. have a seat. your ivy. too much direct sunlight. these plants don't like a lot of sun. w sure they do. but outside they've got trees around them. the trees shade them from the sun. of course, the plants enrich the soil around the trees. one of nature's symbiotic relationships. don't be witty. yesterday you took the number twelve bus from work, but instead of getting off at your normal stop, for some reason you stayed on. why did you stay on the bus, walter? you walked home. some of these guys. they walk right into a family's home as if they live there. very fucking ballsy. do you believe in them? neither do i. what's the one with the woodsman? the one with the ax? sure you do. he cuts open the wolf's stomach, and the girl steps out alive. that's it. little red riding hood jumps out of the wolf's guts with hardly a scratch. ever see a seven-year-old girl sodomized almost in half? what? i don't know why they keep letting scum like you return to the streets. it just means we've got to catch you all over again. hi ya, walter. you don't know? i'll be asking the questions. last night, you hear anything unusual? screams? shouts? man was badly beaten across the street. you know anything about that? i didn't say what time the assault occurred. the assault took place at approximately seven thirty. i could take you downtown. there was a boy there. just give me a straight answer, walter, cause the irony goes right over my head. what's with the boxes? i'd say you're moving. the passionate one? then i'd say you're a lucky fellow. well, i guess i'll be seeing you. oh, yeah. we'll catch him. unfortunately, the victim can't talk. in addition to his other injuries, his jaw is broken. stay out of trouble, walter. cause i'll be watching you.