i'm adjusting okay. apartment's okay. it gives me headaches. yeah. the job's okay. i said the job is okay. i'm not running for mr. popularity. that was a joke. it's all the same. what? a diary? no way. diaries have sent too many guys to prison. ev-i-dence. of course. bad idea. reflect. you think reflection is good. how's that? you read that in a book. no fucking way. there a problem? can you read the prescription? can you fill the prescription? then i suggest one of you move your ass, because if i don't get my medication i get extremely violent. don't need to think fast to handle beer. i told her all my relatives are good-looking. seems like the whole world's gotten younger. got a job at old frank's place. his son runs it now. yeah, you still with northland? no shit. beautiful. how's business? i just recommended you. you still had to prove yourself. k through sixth. something wrong with that? i like the noise. law says i can't come within one hundred feet of where children congregate. i figure the distance from my window to the school is one hundred and twenty. make a bet? you find me a decent place for under three hundred a month in this town, and i'll happily move out of this crap neighborhood. how is she? when can i see her? is it because of anna? you're the only one in the family who still talks to me. how old is anna? only if it's no closer than a hundred feet. one hundred and ten, one hundred and eleven, one hundred and twelve. you okay? are you okay? i'm all right. what picture? me? people without cars. no weirder than a sharp, young, good-looking woman working in a lumberyard. most women wouldn't choose it. i'm just quiet. neither do you. i thought you were a dyke. what? i'll buy a plant. sorry. k through sixth. i like the noise. you must hate it. what about bears? they could eat you. what? yeah? i get that vimpression. why do you want to know? what? no. so, you're not a dyke. you're still here. of course. sorry. i'm such a fucking asshole. don't tell me i'm not a fucking asshole when i know i'm a fucking asshole! you think i have a problem? it's been a while since. maybe later. the morning? what for? i suffer from insomnia. when i do sleep, i sweat a lot. usually i get nightmares and wake up screaming. i watch the kids arrive at school. i'm still thinking about it. it's okay. honest? no. honest? your cheery personality makes my skin itch. forget it. rosen? i don't have a problem with that. i don't need someone else. but for the last few weeks i've noticed someone else watching them. hi. why do you want to know? what's the worst thing you ever did? yeah. i molested little girls. yeah. twelve years in prison is no joke. obviously one too many. it's not what you think. between ten and twelve. once a nine- year-old told me she was eleven. once a fourteen-year-old told me she was twelve. i always asked how old they were. i never hurt them. never. the judge had a thing about sex offenders. later i heard his daughter had been raped. if i hadn't had a good lawyer, it would have been twenty-five to thirty. you should be shocked. or do you get off on this shit? get your kicks somewhere else. depraved? my mistake. get the fuck out of here! no. never again. what are you doing? herry. it's made from cherry. that's a hard wood. notice the grain. see how deep and rich the red runs? it's my own design. you won't find another table like it in the world. then why the fuck are you giving it back to me?! he was going to throw it out, wasn't she? just toss it like a scrap of wood. then what? what?! i made that table for you and annette, for your wedding. i put a lot of love into it. mariners are pounding the shit out of the tigers. fucking tigers. they got no pitching except for a bunch of green kids straight out of double a or southern cal. how was the party? the birthday party. no thanks. i don't want to see any goddamn pictures. carlos. i want to see my sister and anna in person. okay? i don't feel anything. she was born after they put me away. how can i have feelings? have to talk about something. i'm not afraid. i'm just saying that carlos has a thing for his daughter, and if he isn't careful he's going to suffer. i'm not that crazy. if i'm not, then what the hell am i doing here? you know why. it's part of the parole deal. talking to you is like riding on a merry-go-round. how long is this going to take? i mean, when will i be normal. will i ever be normal? you couldn't say. do you know what "normal" is? how do you define it? then how do you know if your patients are getting better? how do they know? what is your idea of being a jew? i want to be normal! fuck you, rosen! you don't know! so what should i do? call the cops? he laughs) yeah, that's pretty funny. fine thanks. excuse me. got another load coming in. prison is. time. no. prison is time. that's it. you think time, you feel time, you hear time. your heart doesn't beat to live, it just beats. time. don't be sorry for me. i did those things. no one else did. i'm dealing with that. sounds like a special guy. i've changed. their power. they seduce me. i was always the one seduced. no. that's what i used to tell myself. v nothing. it's over. okay. then take me home. i had this plan once. or maybe it was a dream. i was going to quit the building business. open my own shop. make and design fine country furniture. i had saved enough money. i found the perfect place. cheap five-year-lease. the loan was in the bag. my wife was a hundred percent behind it. everything was set. then i got in trouble. do you know what the worst kind of trouble is? gently) you know, this is crazy. being here, with me. most people say the odds are against me. the percentages -- why not tell me now? which brother did this? you must hate your brothers. no you don't. you never asked them about it? not ever? cop. you are in. what's up? i have no idea. why don't you just tell me? i would. doesn't everybody? if you could, you would have brought one today. yeah. it's not for sale. if you tell me when this happened -- you can't talk to me like -- okay. i followed a girl. i don't know why i did it. she was pretty. very pretty. no, i'm -- i don't know. i don't know. i don't know! of course it is! that's why i'm telling you! i want to talk about it now. remember when you asked me what my idea of "normal" was? now i know. it's when i can see a girl, be near a girl, even talk to a girl. and walk away. that's my idea of being normal. maybe this isn't a good idea. us seeing each other. i'm not scared. maybe you should be. live together. it's a bad idea. i don't even know how to live with myself. i've got problems. most people don't have my kind of problems. that's not what i meant. she's gone. that was easy. hat's this? i don't need a plant. thank you. i'm not scared. hey. fine thanks. how are you, mary-kay? i got plans. sorry. i said i was sorry. you mean my problem? i don't know. that's my answer. what? why? i'm relaxed. hey, rosen, you going to hypnotize me? okay. eyes closed, mind a blank. i'm all yours. do it, rosen. nothing. can i open my eyes? i don't see -- not so fast. in my bedroom, sleeping. in my bed, rosen. where do you think? in my bed too. we're little kids. i'm maybe about six. which would make her four. just lying there. we're taking a nap. yes, a nap. kids do that. you ever take a nap, rosen? i want you back in your chair! right now! i don't like nobody behind my back! nothing. this is garbage! okay i'll tell you what i did -- just to shut you up! i smelled her hair. that's all. i just liked smelling her hair. yes. i was six years old! it was a small house. i smelled her hair. that's it. i just liked smelling her hair. what's that? when? next week? the week after? tell annette i'm busy in july. you should see my appointment book. it got crazy. isn't it? i'm not a monster. maybe i'm not a good man. maybe inside i'm bad, and i'll always be bad. you don't have to tell me this. carlos, i never raped a woman. maybe because you're looking her in the face. carlos, can i ask you something? did you ever. do you have feelings for anna? i mean. feelings. don't touch me. please. good morning, fellow sports fans. the match is about to begin. candy enters the arena looking sweet and trim. he checks out the scene but plays it cool. he's definitely holding back. uh-oh, candy's eyes have locked onto something. oh yeah. don't do that. sneak up behind me like that. why's it always my fucking problem? nothing. i need a shower. birds. in that birch tree is a nest. up there. sure. is that right? why not? the mother sure has her hands full. it's just a city park. a solitary vireo. i like that one. how does it sound? try. i bet you can. you live around here? me? nah. i'm more of a people watcher. not at first. you would stare at the tops of the trees so intently. any second i thought you would take off and fly. do you come here often? it's good to listen to your daddy. i followed a girl. maybe it's like rosen said. maybe i wanted nothing to happen. fucking rosen! this isn't helping. what can i do for you, sergeant lucas? what? they grow outside, don't they? you going to take me on a nature walk? i fell asleep. yes. fairy tales? no. woodsman? i don't know. little red riding hood. you knew her? the girl. you have no right to talk to. to speak like. i am not!. i am not! not yet. where are your friends? a pretty girl like you should have a lot of friends. well. not in the common way. it means uncommon beauty is commonly overlooked. most people only notice birds with the brightest colors. can i ask how old you are? no you're not. walter. no. a long time ago, i was sent far away. when they let me come back, all my friends were gone. banished. yeah. robin? would you like to sit on my lap? would you like to sit on my lap? are you sure? that's okay. doesn't matter. yes. i would enjoy that. they could be finches. i don't know. we should go before it gets dark. does he? do you like it when he asks you? why not? tell ms. kramer what your daddy does. yes you can, robin. someone will talk to your daddy. and then he'll stop doing those things. the things you don't like. your daddy will always love you. i know because. it's just something i know. robin, listen to me. yes? no. you should go home. it's getting dark. go home. go home, robin. hey! it's open. what can i do for you, sergeant lucas? know what? no. i was asleep. you said last night. i went to bed pretty early. i went to bed around seven. you could. it'd be a waste of your time, though. i suppose if you're looking for a male between the ages of thirty and fifty, medium height, medium weight, medium build. probably not too many men fit that bill. i have a passionate girlfriend. you're a cop. figure it out. it's a free country, isn't it? yes. i count my blessings. think you'll catch this guy? `fraid not. yeah. i heard they were filthy birds. i saw my sister. it was hard. time. i feel. okay.