which is neutral, no doubt. perhaps later. my glasses. i didn't come for the money. the report you sold him was stolen from an mi-6 agent, who was killed for it. who did you get it from? and we know how difficult that can be for the swiss. your last chance. give me the name. perhaps you failed to take into account my. hidden assets. the name? have this checked, see what you can get off it. thought you might want one of these. construction's not exactly my line. old friend? who buys classified reports for three million pounds. someone was watching over me in geneva. a guardian angel with a laser sight. king. stop! king! yes. perhaps sir robert had a word with the man upstairs. you knew him well? i'm sorry. she's not a girl anymore. it's barely a scratch. the dome broke my fall. i need you to pass me fit now, molly. it's just a scratch. ethical? can't we just skirt the issue? strenuous activity? perhaps after this . test? i could come for a second opinion? caviar capital of the world. matchless beluga. firm, yet subtle. largest landlocked body of water on earth. oil-rich. hitler wanted it. stalin beat him to it. so sir robert's goes through turkey, direct to the med? kill the man, kill the pipeline. tell me about the kidnapping of elektra king. i took the initiative. i was the one who brought that money in. the amount of money that killed robert king is the same amount as the ransom demand for elektra. whoever kidnapped elektra is the same man who killed her father. who? renard. sacrifice the girl to take out the terrorist? he survived? 'that which does not kill me makes me stronger.' he's not through yet. renard doesn't blow up five million dollars unless he knows there's more coming in. he's working for someone. someone who wants to stop the pipeline. and they hired the perfect killer. one with a vendetta against king. and you. the worm on the hook again. scottish heavy metal, q? and other uses, no doubt. that would make you"r"? i'd rather you didn't play with that. quite stunning. yes. funerals aren't exactly memorable. is that why you want to finish the pipeline? who is he? how long has he been with you? does this look familiar to you? it's not the pin your father wore. it's an exact duplicate. inside is a tiny electrical detonator. we have reason to believe the assassin had an inside accomplice, someone who worked at this company. the killer doesn't want to see this pipeline continue, doesn't want to see you take over. i think running this pipeline would be a difficult job for anyone. especially king's daughter. always wanted to see the upper lines. no. i've been known to. head for that gully, i'll lure them into the trees! should have stuck to snowboarding. hold on to me. we're alright. you're not going to. it's the only way out. elektra, look at me, look in my eyes! i can't stay. i don't know. but i will find him. i think you're one of the bravest people i've ever met. you should rest. i have to go. no. you'll be safe here. i have to go to work. valentin zukovsky. you, of course. i need some information. mafia warlords, diplomats and spies, consortiums from every country in the world. a nice little rat's nest. boa. have you had any therapy since perestroika? how does a terrorist like renard supply his men with state-of-the-art russian army weapons? if i remember my cyrillic that says 101st airborne division. off a high-powered paraski that was trying to kill me. how high up does this. arms dealing go? but you would have something to gain by killing robert king. and stopping his pipeline. oh, you'd be surprised. two. shaken not stirred. what the hell are you doing here? if this little show is for my benefit, i'll take you home right now. i understand it's normally good practice to get the feel of the cards before going off the deep end. stand or split them. not at that price. time to surrender. a night of burning passion? shush. needs constant attention. enough ice for one day. you never take this off? how did you survive? i can't afford to. problem, comrade? old habits die hard. here goes nothing. romashka. yes. viktor davidov, miss? don't know any doctor jokes. couldn't make it. splitting headache. will i need protection? to the nuclear facility at penza 19. corporal? indeed. don't come any closer. who's paying you to destroy the pipeline? revenge isn't so hard to fathom. what's clever is getting someone else to pay for it. who is it? you will never touch her. you will never get near her. consider me ungrateful. she'll get over it. keep away, colonel. here's your imposter. he's paid off the men on the plane outside. they're not taking the bomb to any russian facility, they're flying it wherever he tells them. close the door! close the door! shame you had to spot i wasn't the real thing. bond -- james bond. with this? you look surprised. a little. does it matter? after all, what's the point of living if you can't feel alive? isn't that right, elektra? isn't that your motto? or did you steal it from your old friend renard? we had a run-in, he and i. he knew about us, he knew about my shoulder, he knew exactly where to hurt me. you can drop the act, it's over. i think you do. at mi-6 we call it stockholm syndrome. it's common in kidnappings. a young impressionable victim. sheltered, sexually inexperienced. a powerful kidnapper skilled in torture, in manipulation. something snaps in the victim's mind. the captive falls in love with her captor. he used your exact words. i'm coming with you. they hit about 90 minutes ago. there's a scientist here from the international decommissioning agency, dr. jones. she has ten crews combing the area. the report king bought. it's a manual. renard's men used it to remove this radio tracking device from the warhead. they're getting their weapons from the russians, but where are they getting the money to buy the weapons? i can't help thinking. the person close to king, the one who switched that pin. is maybe. the inside woman. stop it. speed? it'll reach the other end in seventy- eight minutes. any more of these rigs? come on. unless you'd like to see my id first. be one along any minute. when this is over we should bury the hatchet. celebrate. a champagne dinner? alright then, brunch. faster! get our speed up! then it's no longer a bomb? let it blow. let it blow. trust me. leave it. i did kill us. she thinks we're dead. and she thinks she got away with it. it's part of some plan. she dresses it up like a terrorist attack. the explosion covers up the theft of the plutonium. elektra king. makes her look even more innocent. i was hoping you could tell me. loud and clear. i have to speak to m. what? she just upped the stakes. all her chips are on the table now. and m's life is part of the bet. i know i promised you champagne, but would you settle for caviar? she's no innocent. this is my nuclear consultant. what's your business with elektra king? she dropped a million and half dollars to the house -- your house. and you didn't even bat an eyelid. she was paying you off. what for? you are out of your league. she's working with renard. tell us what you know, zukovsky. tell us, before its too late. now. where were we? no. the truth! she thought i was dead -- those blades were meant for you. what do you know that she would kill you for? you're in this thing up to your neck. and the payoff on the tables? where's the sub going?! this is too big for even you. where is it? where? your old friend dmitri. nuclear. made to look just like an accident. the right kind of explosion in the right spot -- it would block the bosphorus, cut off the black sea. because an explosion like that would kill all the other pipelines. there would be only one way to get the oil out of the caspian and pump it to the world. elektra would control it all. whoever gets there first, zukovsky. they have m. the locator card. it's m. the rest? how appropriate. if i don't get to the boa before he gets to maiden's tower, m is dead. not interested. where's m? all this, because you fell for renard? you turned renard. so you killed your father. was this all about the oil? no-one will believe this melt-down was an accident. elektra, it's not too late. eight million people needn't die. you meant . nothing . to me. one. last. screw? call him off. i won't ask again. call him off! i never miss. how do you want to die? that? or this? we go down to the torpedo bay. tanks open. you're really going to commit suicide for her? haven't you heard the news? so is she. he's sealed himself in. like riding a bike. just wanted to put him on edge. climb! keep moving. there's one chance. re-breathers. never liked those things anyway. count to twenty. when you get to twenty open the hatch. it can only be opened for a few seconds or we'll sink. count to twenty. i'll be there. christmas! she's waiting for you. we're sinking. we've got to get out. i love christmas in turkey.