you new? doctor. jones. christmas jones. no jokes, i've heard them all. what happened to len tashka? the soldiers may give you a hard time. whatever. if we weren't around, they'd have their whole nuclear arsenal lying by the roadsides, rotting in the sun. there's no radiation danger down there. where is this stockpile going? he is an impostor. there's no davidov at miratom. melt-down doors. if he gets them closed, they won't be opened again for forty- eight years. so who are you? they won't get far. every warhead has a locator card. a miratom device. emits a high-pitched signal on russian emergency frequencies. we can track the bomb. i'll need some help. when this is over our bodies may be blown to smithereens. tactical fission device. low yield. the plutonium is missing. they've taken the core! it's a bomb alright. we're still dead if the trigger charge goes off. but we can stop it. what the hell were you doing? you nearly killed us! what the hell are you talking about? who's she? elektra king? are you insane? this is her pipeline. what would she want with weapons grade plutonium? you steal an old bomb, small by today's standards, about the size of the one that destroyed nagasaki, take the plutonium core out of it, intending to use it. to make a bigger, better bomb. i have to get after that core. this is my ass. what is it? they've stolen a nuclear device. what? bond! commander bond, you are dangerous, unpredictable, and a hothead. but then again, explosive devices are my specialty. what is this place? what class sub does your nephew run? not just nuclear. powered by a nuclear reactor. he's not loading any cargo. they want the sub. the sub itself. put weapons grade plutonium inside the sub's reactor: instant, catastrophic meltdown. but why? eight million people would die, the land irradiated for a hundred years. a cloud of radiation the size of europe. the king pipeline. forty, forty-three degrees east. zukovsky. james!. is there another way? the cover is off the reactor. he's going to insert the plutonium. do you know what you're doing? what kind of bikes did you ride? but what if. one, one thousand, two, one thousand. fourteen, one thousand, fifteen, one thousand. twenty. we have to get the rod out of the reactor! melting down. 4000 degrees, the zirconium casings on the rods crack. 5000, the plutonium melts. in ten minutes, a hydrogen explosion. help me. we have to seal it. we can't. so isn't it time you unwrapped your present? you know james. i think christmas is coming early this year.