excuse me. he shouted. he shouted all the time -- they should have been in place two days ago. that is the target my father set. find me the research on the limestone deposits, go ahead and place these orders, and get the jeep ready. i will go to ruan myself. i said, i will go. would you excuse us, davidov? i met you at my father's funeral. i haven't been able to recall a single moment of that day. until now. god no. all those horrible loved ones and relatives. i don't want to talk to those people. i just want to. talk to my father. i loved him. i'm not sure he knew that. partially, yes. no, gabor. we have a guest. my bodyguard. he follows me everywhere. he's decisive, vigilant. and he makes an excellent omelette. since the kidnapping. why do you ask? it's my father's pin. he wore it everyday of his life. are you trying to break my heart? or is it just your way with women? if you've come here to look after me, mr. bond, thank you, but no thank you. i have two bodyguards, i don't need a third. that's every man within a five mile radius. including you. that's why you're here, isn't it? you think i can't do it. you think i'm going to screw up. or get myself killed. you are wrong, mr. bond. in fact, i am the only person who can do it. my mother's people discovered oil here ninety years ago. the bolsheviks slaughtered them for it. some say oil is in my family's blood. i say our blood is in the oil. this is the very heart of the planet. up here in the hills was eden, literally. look what the russians did to it. now we have a second chance and this time we'll do it right. when the other wells have all dried up, she'll still be pumping her lifeblood to the world. and this will be one of the main arteries. send the pipe around. then my father was wrong. i have to check the upper lines. gabor will drive you back. you don't take no for an answer, do you? alright then. do you ski? just hold her steady. you wanted to see it. we're building from both ends. this is where they'll meet. fifteen hundred miles from the caspian to the mediterranean. are they gone? all of them? oh my god. we're buried alive. i can't stay here. no! it will cave in! i can't breathe, i can't breathe. are you alright? i know. i need to ask you something. and i need you to tell me the truth. who is it? who is trying to kill me? after the kidnapping. i was afraid to go outside, to be alone, to be in a crowd, to do anything at all, until i realized. there's no point in living if you can't. feel alive. i can't huddle in the shadows. i can't let fear run my life. i won't. the way i acted, in the snow. you must think i'm a coward. what is it? james. then take me with you. i don't want to be safe! now who's the coward? and his account? vodka martini. someone wants to kill me, i'd rather die looking him straight in the eye. what are you doing here? looking for a woman a little more your type? how about that one? you had your chance, james. now i'm looking for a bigger thrill. really? i like the deep end, james. surely you believe in living dangerously. hit me. time to surrender. you knew when you first saw me. you knew it would be like this. poor shoulder. looks painful. why do men always want to undress the one part of a woman's body she doesn't want to reveal? i used my body on the guards. it gave me control. i got to a gun and i took my chance. i've never told anyone that. do you ever stop, james? do you ever think about. another kind of life? don't worry. i know who you are. i'm sorry. i would never call you except. bond's disappeared. he. he left my villa, some time in the middle of the night and. my head of security has been found near a local airstrip, murdered. could. could you come? i just can't help thinking. i'm next. gabor? james! what's wrong with you? are you crazy? what are you talking about? what? are you saying. renard is the man who's trying to kill me? i don't know what you're talking about! how dare you! how dare you! that animal!? that monster!? he disgusts me! you disgust me! so he knew where to hurt you, is that it? you had a sling on your arm at the funeral! i didn't have to sleep with you to find that out. you knew. you knew all the time, that he was out there, that he was coming for me, and you lied. you used me, you used me as bait. you made love to me -- what, to pass the time as you waited for him to strike? he's struck again. five men are dead at the pipeline. you do what you have to do, but i've called in m. she's en route from london even now. that's not right. it's an observation and repair rig. travels along the pipe, checks for broken seals. but it's not supposed to be there. my god. have the terminal evacuated. you can evacuate my workers, but i'm not going anywhere. do you think he's dead? i have a gift for you. something that belonged to my father. he would have wanted you to have it. please. he often spoke of how. compassionately you advised him on the best course of action during my kidnapping. it's very valuable, you know. i just couldn't let it explode with the rest of him. take her to the chopper. you're hurting me. brought me something? warm. i've brought something for you as well. just as i promised. your people? your people will leave you here to rot just like you left me. you and my father. he didn't think my life was worth the chump change he spent on a day at the stock market. is nothing. his kingdom he stole from my mother. the kingdom i will rightly take back. how would you know? of course. what do you think? what about this? but surely. you can feel this? remember . pleasure? now you know how it feels. to be locked away, to wonder if they're coming for you, if anyone will ever come for you. who? bond? bond is dead. somehow, i find that strangely . disappointing. time for you to die. no. it is the beginning. the world will never be the same. james bond and his amazing resurrection. if only you'd kept away, we might have met again in a few years, become lovers once more. take her to renard. pretty thing. you had her too? i could have given you the world. they were digging near here and they found some very pretty vases. they also found this. i think we ignore the old ways at our peril, don't you? soon she'll be everywhere. five more turns and your neck will break. since i was a child, i've always had a power over men. when i realized my father wouldn't rescue me from the kidnappers, i knew i had to form a new alliance. just like you. only you were even easier. i told him he had to hurt me, he had to make it look real. when he refused i told him i would do it myself. he killed me! he killed me the day he refused to pay my ransom. it is my oil! mine and my family's! it runs in my veins, thicker than blood. i'm going to redraw the map. and when i am through the whole world will know my name, my grandfather's name, the glory of my people. they will believe. they will all believe. you understand? nobody can resist me. know what happens when a man is strangled? you should have killed me when you had the chance. but you couldn't. not me. a woman you've loved. oh james. what a shame. you just missed him. turns back to bond. smiles. excuse me. everything's under control up here. are you ready? zukovsky really hated you. time to say goodnight. james. you can't kill me. not in cold blood. renard. you wouldn't kill me. you'd miss me. dive! bond --