what's his name? our friend from mi-6? one of m's more accomplished tin soldiers. if it concerns you. kill him. let's toast this james bond. we're in his hands now. dead, or not dead? is this how you spend the money i pay you? and with the rest you hire fools who shoot like blind men? should be dead as well. your failure today is astonishing. it is a disgrace. do you know why the color is blue at the wick? because that is where the flame is the hottest. the temperature is close to five hundred degrees. then you are completely unnecessary. bond is suspicious. we are moving sooner, tonight. we understand each other? i will take care of mister bond. i see my friend davidov ran into some difficulty. go ahead. shoot. my men will still steal the bomb, and the shot will bring them directly to you. to die by a man who can't even grasp what he's caught up in. not many people in this world have that kind of fortune. you think i fear death? i welcome it. i get on my knees and pray for it. you, on the other hand, you have something to live for, no? she's beautiful isn't she? you should have seen her before. flawless, and still so innocent, not such a whore in bed. have you forgotten who saved your life in geneva? it's i who should thank you -- for taking that money back to mi-6. so distressing for m. an explosion inside her lair. you even brought the plane for us. we really couldn't have done it without you. a man tires of being executed. but then again. there is no point in living if you can't. feel alive. well done -- he would have killed us all. i suppose you were you the one who allowed him down? take him away, i don't want him around as we move the bomb. you had me. i knew you couldn't shoulder the responsibility. very well, colonel. we will all go up. shut them. we have our fireworks. now you can have yours. go on. it's safe. touch your destiny. is it? my executioner. no. i'm afraid it is what you did. when i took her she was. promise itself. so clever, so vibrant, so. full of life force. and you left her there, at the mercy of a man like me. you ruined her. for what? to get to me? she is worth fifty of me. no. i wanted you. i wanted you for myself. since you sent your man to kill me, i have been watching time tick slowly away, marching inevitably toward my own death. watch these hands, m. at noon tomorrow, your time is up. and i guarantee you. i will not miss. you will die. along with everyone in this city and the future of the west. so beautiful. so smooth, so warm. why are you like this? because bond is dead? it's what you wanted. he was a. good lover? nothing. nothing. captain. you came with a skeleton crew? of course. we are grateful for your efforts. we have brandy and other refreshments for your men. take them up and throw them in the sea. we'll be underway in two hours. use that time to re-familiarize yourselves with your stations. then ponder how rich you'll be. the re-breathers for the escape are already on board. the reactor is secured. this is the end. it will be yours, and yours alone. have fun with it. yes. au revoir. flood tanks 4 and 5. open the tanks. bond. bond! you have decided to join me on this historic voyage. welcome to my nuclear family. in case you've forgotten. i'm dead already. you will die for this. open the torpedo tubes. is recovering, has found a flare gun near him. raises it to bond.