bondjamesbond. what brings you here? bond, i'm a civilian. this is my place. used to be the royal family's, now it's mine. i run my little business, i stay out of trouble. have some of the rat's nest caviar. from my own fishery. they buy my caviar, drink my champagne, lose to my house. let me introduce you to a former colleague of mine at the kgb. dmitri palov, you may know him as. the boa. why am i suddenly worried i'm not carrying enough insurance? see? you're upsetting my customers. what do you want? what? this is not possible. where did you get this? the russian army, they spend millions on flying skis, but they cannot afford to pay the soldiers. the men, they do what they have to do to feed their families. in this country, for the right price and a pack of cigarettes, you can get anything you want. that too. everyone does what they can to survive. bond. if someone wants you dead, it is renard. our government has nothing to gain by killing you. poor bond. the cold war is over. what have you got left? economic espionage. murder in the boardroom. so dull. we've kept your father's chair free. you have a credit line of a million and a half. what are doing, bond? trying to impress this innocent thing? ah, i see. a purely. plutonic relationship. really bond, couldn't you find a nice russian scientist with hair growing out of his ears? i thought you were the one in her business. as ever you are the spy who has to see a plot wherever he looks. that is 5,000 dollars of beluga ruined! a rope! i don't know what you're talking -- help me, don't let me drown. alright, alright! sometimes i smuggle machinery for her. russian stuff. a special job. a. a. a submarine. to haul some cargo. my nephew, he is captain of a sub in the black sea fleet. no! get me out! this is a family matter! if my nephew is in danger, we do it my way, or nothing! now get me out! no! bond! so. my way. no mi-6, no interpol. just you, me and my people. istanbul. any luck reaching yevgeny? former kgb surveillance post. the dye factory was just a front; now it turns a good profit. today, you are glad to have the boa on your side. in the good old days, the kgb had three or four spots where our submarines could surface without anyone knowing. but yevgeny is supposed to be loading cargo. c-class. mother of god. if what you say it true. it may be too late for yevgeny. if we're not in time and something has happened to him. you must let me kill them. the maiden's tower. i'd heard there were some renovations there. no one would look for a sub in that place in a million years. i'm looking for a submarine. it's big and black, and the driver is a friend of mine. bring it to me.