listen up, only saying it once. vic storm, you're up first against d- day. second, shawn mcpride and funkmaster garry b. slick. third, frankie cirillo and rob dynamo versus j.t. anvil and the ultimate freak. fourth, teddy brewski and lex lethal. intermission. fifth, samoan savages versus the disco brothers. sixth, the irish warrior and vyper. seventh, "sandman" steve sambuca versus hollywood. last but not least, for the strap, kid loco versus randy the ram. got it? good. yo, ram. got a sec? do you realize what's coming up? may 6th. 20th anniversary of you and ayatollah at the garden. i know. time fuckin' flies. two words: re. match. i'm doing a big fanfest thing down in south carolina that weekend. i wanna main-event it with you two. ram-ayatollah ii. 20th anniversary. hundreds, thousands of screaming fans watching you two make history for the second time. for this? i bet he'd be willing to dust off the old turban.