oh, my. look out! suplex! tombstone piledriver! catch you maniacs later. c'mon, len. don't be such a fuckin' ballbreaker. you know i'm good for it. can i at least park in back? thanks, meg. hey, wayne. do you have any extra shifts you could throw my way? pretty much anything weekday. i tried mexican sus once. gave me bitch tits. i don't want this. i want my german. yeah? danke schoen. how ya doin', glor? don't leave it in too long. all those pieces broke off last time. right there, you post me. hard. i show color. you post me again. again. you're fuckin' whalin' on my ass. who? ring rat? what's up, kiddo? long time no see. whatcha doing here? here to root on your old man? that's okay----as long as you're not rooting against me! i'm on in a sec. what's up? amends? ohh. 12-stepper. good for you. that's great. i do. so's that it? for what? okay. don't worry about it. sure. it was about your mom. and me. like, how i was bad. tonight's forecast calls for severe butt-whoopin's with a 100 percent chance of pain. no problemo. you know it, broski! what? they're fans. i hafta. it's work. i didn't ask them to come over. are we almost done with this? this attack. let's go home. for you, needledick? always. whatcha thinkin'? yeah? think bob'd get back in there? he's pretty retired. yo, big chris. what do i look like, some fuckin' two-bit street dealer? swing by the mansion. any day this week. thanks, hon. cassidy around? apologize to this lady. you speak to her with respect. no, it's not okay. this is definitely not okay. i guarantee this woman's 50 times hotter than whatever goombah skank you're about to marry. i was just trying to help. you're right. i'm sorry. we're talking one of the historic matches in history. 20,000 people. another million and a half watching at home on pay-per-view. we were going back and forth, just killin' each other for a half hour. any wrestling fan, they know all about it. yeah, it was big. so a rematch. (smiles, contemplating the goddamn you are smokin'. who knows. i put on a good show. could be the thing that gets me back on top. got cut tonight. ah, it's nothing. how's this for fake? 1986. denver coliseum. billy bob banjo hit me with his two-by-four. loose nail tore the bicep open. i got even better. 1988. orlando arena. mr. magnificent tossed me out of the ring. landed on my shoulder, clavicle snapped in half. what's that? huh. i'll have to check it out. what do i owe? no prob. you're right on the way. so how big's this place? god bless hardcore. whatcha think? let's see if they got extension cords. call me randy. so how we lookin', doc? great. so i'm all good. like. i could handle that. i don't do coke. maybe once in a while. so, like, wrestling. what if i do it moderate? i could hold back on certain moves. there's always ways to fake---- randy. with all due respect, dr. (reads name tag, i want a second opinion. i want a second opinion. yeah. yeah. yo, adam! wanna play nintendo? what square? it's a folding chair. 1988 ain't old. shut up and fight. ready? one more? don't you wanna get even? i whipped your butt. ah, i was just in the neighborhood. hey, feel like maybe grabbing a burger? how `bout later, then? can we talk for a sec? someplace more quiet. i had a heart attack. i needed to talk to somebody. just a couple minutes. please. in back. thanks. i appreciate it. last week. yeah, yeah. feelin' much better. it was while i was wrestling. i collapsed in the ring. yeah, it was pretty fucked up. tell ya, though, it was a big hit with the fans. promoter told me everybody was hanging around wondering if i was okay, they wound up buying up all of his t-shirts and shit. whole merch table got cleaned out. doctor says i can't wrestle no more. i don't know. i don't know what to do. if i can't wrestle. time's all i got. i just sit there all day. that's why i came to see you. we don't really get along too good. she don't need me. i'm randy the ram. i've taken bigger bumps than this. maybe i'll give my daughter a call. why the fuck not? i'm her father. a person only gets one father in this life. unless you're adopted. definitely. hey. is stephanie home? her father. where you going? stephanie! can we talk? wait! where ya going? you in school? that's great. what school? what school? middlesex? that's kind of a hike. where's your car? you taking the bus? lemme give you a lift. it's no problem. you're walking pretty fast there. you running late? i could help you with that. give you a ride. new jersey transit sucks! the buses smell like piss! yes, ma'am! there's something i wanted to tell you. i had a heart attack. i wanna try to fix things. why? what? no. it's not like---- what are you doing? stephanie! why not? sold the shit outta that one. i gotta give credit. difusco came up with the idea. we're setting up an angle for a grudge match. what minivan? looks great. i'll start loosening up. you got it, broski. hey. better. good. not too good, actually. she tore me a new asshole. i was thinking about maybe getting her a present. i'm not sure. 22, 23? i don't know. i'm a shitty fuckin' father. that could work. yeah? okay. cool. good tip. thanks. i'm gonna grab a drink at the bar. that was fast. yeah? all right. thanks. hey, wayne. got a sec? i was wondering if you had something more steady. full-time. that works. what is it? so, like, working with customers? that's the only thing you got? hey. i almost didn't recognize you. you look all. clean. like classy. nah, nah, i don't mean that bad. i like it. so, uh. should i call you cassidy or pam? this is awesome. (rubs hands together, she's kinda skinny, a little shorter than you. maybe. not really. hey, pam? thank you very much. i think she might be a lesbian. does that help? ah, maybe she's just a friend. what's that? it's perfect. thanks again. i never woulda known about this place. man, i worked up a pretty good thirst in there. what say we grab a beer? one beer! we gotta re-hydrate! you have a kid? i had no idea. boy or girl? how old? wow. i had no friggin' idea. wait. now both our kids got something. you're gonna turn this down, too? man, you're rough! tell him to take good care of that. $300 bucks on ebay. nah. he's a good-lookin' kid. i see where he gets it from. what's that? you moving there? what about cheetah's? oh. okay. hell, yeah. c'mon. let's dance. right here. who cares? fuckin' def lep! fine. then i'm dancing for you. just sit back and enjoy. the lapdancer has become the lapdanced. take a bottle, shake it up. break the bubble, break it u-up. they don't make `em like they used to. def lep, gunners. then that cobain pussy had to come around and ruin it all. fuckin' mopey douchebag. nineties fuckin' sucked. you're right. my bad. what's up? we just got here. c'mon. you said one beer! i thought it was gonna say randy. do i really even need to wear one? yeah, but i---- could they maybe re-do it? seventeen. hang on, let me. (into phone, over it'll just be a minute. i guess it depends what you like. forty-six. sure. pesto change-o. wow. i am good. can i get you anything else? you have yourself a nice day. bingo! anything in the case, sweetheart. i think that can be arranged. do stalkers bring presents? well, i ain't a stalker. but. open it. the "s" is for "stephanie". i got it just for you. no reason. just because. do you like it? i was looking in this store and saw it, and i just said, "that is it." so what are you doing now? got any time? i was thinking we could swing by our old favorite spot. you'll remember when you see. whaddaya say? what kinda things? you ain't got stuff! you really don't remember? guess you were pretty young. there used to be this funhouse. they had this cheesy-ass skeleton that popped out of a coffin. you'd get so scared, you'd cry. then you'd beg to go in again. you'd hop on my foot and wrap your arms around my leg. i'd have to walk you the whole way through like that. i do. i accept your apology. not like that. i just mean. you made amends. i free you. anything you've ever done or said or thought, i forgive. you've done nothing wrong to me. and anything i've ever done. i was young. my career was booming. all those lights, the fans, the crazy shit on the road. i wasn't thinking about my kid. or my wife. my priorities were all fucked up. i know that. but now. i wanna try to make things right. i wanna try to get to know you. i just hope it's not too late. hope that wasn't too painful. well. bye. so. how about dinner sometime? maybe tuesday? or not. that's cool, whatever. yo, miggy. ram. how ya doin'? hey, how ya doin', frank? sorry, volp. you know i'd kill to do it. hey. over here. open it. i wanna watch. thank you. i couldn't've done it without you. it was fun, right? we had a good time. hey, you ever been to mother kelly's? they got this kick-ass cover band tuesday nights. play anything you can think of. what do you say we---- what? do what? i thought we had a little something going here. but. what if i do? what about the other day? why? how? what if we'd met someplace else? but what if we did? what if we did? you say i don't know you, but you won't let me get to know you. yeah. a lapdance. you're refusing a customer? gimme a lapdance. what? am i a customer or not? what's the matter? not in the mood? so fake it. i'm just a stupid customer. it doesn't mean anything. c'mon, give the customer a lapdance. shake your tits. smile. pretend you like him. i want a lapdance. i want a lapdance! can i help who's next? have a nice day. can i help who's next? i don't think so. sorry, man. what can i getcha? nah. huh? what's that? i've never seen such determination! sleeper claw! piledriver! powerbomb! get in the ring! get in the ring! get in the ring! get in the ring! yo, brummy. yeah, good, good. well. i was thinking about maybe doing a reffing gig. no wrestling, just reffing. thought it might be fun. shits `n' giggles. `sup, bro? i really ain't lookin' to mix it up tonight. that's okay. you guys do your thing. one!. two!. by the time ruckus fixes the tire, we've had so many nyquil coladas we don't even realize we missed the damn gig! swear to god. can't make stuff like that up. you never heard that one? oh, man, fuckin' classic. dude's got taste. who's that? me neither. hey. is stephanie home? i'm so, so sorry. i completely, i feel horrible. i know i fucked up. i fucked up bad. i'm trying to change. really. i can't stand when i---- jesus! stop! calm down! calm down! you don't mean that! you don't mean it! i can change. i know i can. let's get it onnn! nick. randy the ram. how'd you find me? good for you. quitting's hard. got a match. see ya later. it's me. i promise i won't call you ever again. what's up, bob? yo, carl. yeah, well, i'm here. when you get settled in, we should go over things. y'know, the spots. you don't wanna hash it out? we should have at least a basic plan. ready to do this? what are you doing here? this ain't the best time to talk. what about your heart? i'll be fine. they always say that. whatever you got. i know what i'm doing in there. out here's where i get hurt. fuck the real world. nobody gives a shit about me in the real world. listen to them! this is where i'm great. this is where i belong. i gotta go. i'll see you after the show. enjoy the show. i just got one thing to say to you people. thank you. you take your lumps and bruises in this game. but you know what? it's all worth it. because of you guys. your cheers keep me young. they make me feel alive. forever. you're workin' pretty light here. anytime you wanna join in. much. it's time. let's do this.