that makes two in columbus, one in dayton. next 12 months, i'd say cincy's not out of the question. ram-a-lam. good to see ya, bro. didn't think we were gonna do this. thursday night, i get a call, "it's on! he's back in!" i'm like "what?" what things? ah, we can just wing it. it'll be fine. how's this: i'm the heel, you're the face. done. anyway, if you're ever in ohio, swing on by. i'll make you a nice deal on a g6. believe so. death to america! jesus. relax. that better? forgot how much fun this is. pathetic. pitiful godless infidel! wanna take it home? all you, bro. lead the way. if you ain't up to it. y'okay? just pin me. finish it. pin me.