for the catastrophic destruction of public property and the loss of life due to terrorist activities. many details are still unclear; some agents' reports have not been filed, or have come in sketchy, without a satisfactory accounting of the events that led to the destruction in dallas. but we're under some pressure to give an accurate picture of what happened to the attorney general, so she can issue a public statement. we now know that five people died in the explosion. special agent in charge darius michaud who was trying to defuse the bomb that had been hidden in a vending machine. three firemen from dallas, and a young boy. agent mulder, since you weren't able to be on time for this hearing, i'm going to ask you to step outside so that we can get agent scully's version of the facts. so that she won't have to be paid the same disrespect. you'll get your turn, agent mulder. please step out. thank you, agent mulder. we'll call you in shortly. special agent scully -- evidence of what? you've been back to dallas? are you going to let us in on what exactly you're trying to prove -- -- those are very serious allegations, agent scully -- and you have conclusive evidence of this? something to tie this claim of yours to the crime -- working with? my official report is incomplete pending these new facts i'm being asked to reconcile. agent scully. while there is direct evidence now that a federal agent may have been involved in the bombing. the other events you've laid down here seem too incredible on their own, and quite frankly implausible in their connection. well. where would you like me to start? antarctica is a long way from dallas, agent scully. i can't very well submit a report to the attorney general that alleges the links you've made here. bees and corn crops do not quite fall under the rubric of domestic terrorism. most of what i find in here is lacking a coherent picture of an organization with an attributable motive. i realize you're very lucky to be alive agent scully. the ordeal you've endured has clearly affected you -- though the holes in your account leave this panel with little choice but to delete these references from our final report to the justice department. until which time hard evidence becomes available that would give us cause to pursue such an investigation. mr. skinner? please ask agent scully to come back to this hearing. we're not quite finished.