bet the bureau's accusing you of the same thing in dallas. standing around holding your yank while bombs are exploding. no. i've been watching your career for a good while. back when you were just a promising young agent -- before that. yeah, i did. my name's kurtzweil. dr. alvin kurtzweil. old friend of your father's. back at the department of state. we were what you might call fellow travelers, but his disenchantment outlasted mine. i never believed in the project. oh, come on. don't pretend you don't know about the project. your father died for it. your sister was taken because of it. heard you come here now and again. figured you'd be needing a little drinky tonight. i'm a doctor, but i think i mentioned that. ob-gyn. i came on my own. after reading about the bombing in dallas. they're going to pin dallas on you, agent mulder. but there was nothing you could've done. nothing anyone could've done to prevent that bomb from going off. because the truth is something you'd never have guessed; never have predicted. s.a.c. darius michaud never tried or intended to defuse the bomb. what's the question nobody's asking? why that building? why not the federal building? no. they put the bomb in the building across the street because it did have federal offices. the federal emergency management agency had a provisional medical quarantine office there. which is where the bodies were found. but that's the thing. the thing you didn't know. that you'd never think to check. those people were already dead. that's what i'm saying. michaud was a patriot. the men he's loyal to know their way around dallas. they blew that building to hide something. maybe something even they couldn't predict. and one little boy. do you? see this bullshit? somebody knows i'm talking to you. what is it? kiddie porn again? sexual battery of a patient? i've had my license taken away in three states. for what? because i'm a dangerous man. because i know too much about the truth. you know my work? i don't either, but it sure sells books. i was right about dallas. wasn't i, agent mulder? i picked up the historical document of the venality and hypocrisy of the american government. the daily newspaper. according to the newspaper, fema had been called out to manage an outbreak of the hanta virus. are you familiar with the hanta virus, agent mulder? and are you familiar with fema? what the federal emergency management agency's real power is? fema allows the white house to suspend constitutional government upon declaration of a national emergency. to create a non-elected government. think about that. what is an agency with such broad sweeping power doing managing a small viral outbreak in suburban texas? i'm saying it wasn't the hanta virus. when we were young men in the military, your father and i were recruited for a project. they told us it was biological warfare. a virus. there were rumors about its origins. what killed them i won't even write about. i tell you, they'd do more than just harass me. they have the future to protect. what killed those men can't be identified in simple medical terms. my god, we can't even wrap our minds around something as obvious as hiv. we have no context for what killed those men, or any appreciation of the scale in which it will be unleashed in the future. of how it will be transmitted; of the environmental factors involved. the plague to end all plagues, agent mulder. a silent weapon for a quiet war. the systematic release of an indiscriminate organism for which the men who will bring it on still have no cure. they've been working on this for fifty years. while the rest of the world was fighting gooks and commies these men have been secretly negotiating a planned armageddon. i think you know. the timetable has been set. it will happen on a holiday, when people are away from their homes. when our elected officials are at their resorts or out of the country. the president will declare a state of emergency, at which time all federal agencies, all government will come under the power of the federal emergency management agency. fema, agent mulder. the secret government. something's gone wrong -- something unanticipated. go back to dallas and dig. or you're only going to find out like the rest of the country, agent mulder. when it's too late. you can't. you found something? what? -- you saw this experiment? what do you think? that would be my guess. yeah, well i don't have them all. i've been using you?! i told you -- he and i were old friends -- you'd be shit out of luck if not for me. you saw what you saw because i led you to it. i'm putting my ass on the line for you. and why do you think it is you're standing here talking to me? these people don't make mistakes, agent mulder. jesus christ. what are you doing here? what do you want from me?