where are you, scully? did you find something? what's wrong, scully? you're looking for a bomb. i think they have that covered. what happened to playing a hunch? the element of surprise, scully. random acts of unpredictability. if we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced. what are we doing up here? it's hotter than hell. how's that? what do you say we call in a bomb threat for houston. i think it's free beer night at the astrodome. it's locked? no you didn't. panic? have you ever seen me panic, scully? alright. what'll it be: coke, pepsi? a saline iv? oh, come on. scully, i found the bomb. i'm in the vending room. scully, get somebody to open this door. scully -- listen to me. it's in the coke machine. you've got about fourteen minutes to get this building evacuated. thirteen fifty nine, thirteen fifty eight, thirteen fifty seven. thirteen fifty six. scully? tell me this is just soda pop in those canisters. somebody's got to stay with you -- you've got about four minutes to find out if you're wrong. something's wrong. something's not right. next time you're buying. excuse me -- the firemen and the boy -- they were in the building? we were told the building was clear. it does say there in your paperwork that we were the ones who found the bomb. about what? she was with me. and they want to blame us? but it's not the lives we saved. it's the lives we didn't. -- if they want someone to blame, they can blame me. agent scully doesn't deserve this. i breached protocol. i broke contact with the s.a.c. i ignored a primary tactical rule and left him alone with the device. whatever you told them in there, you don't have to protect me. they're trying to divide us on this, scully. we can't let them. what? what are you talking about? why? they were the ones that put us together. this isn't about you, scully. they're doing this to me. you're. quitting? he sits by himself on a stool, staring down at the bar. staring at the shooter which he spins with his fingers. yup. what do i do. i'm a key figure in an ongoing government charade. an annoyance to my superiors. a joke among my peers. "spooky," they call me. spooky mulder. whose sister was abducted by aliens when he was a kid. who now chases little green men with a badge and a gun, shouting to the heavens and anyone who'll listen that the fix is in. that our government's hip to the truth and a part of the conspiracy. that the sky is falling and when it hits it's gonna be the shitstorm of all time. does what? sorry. don't have one. what? how's that? do i know you? you follow me out here for a reason? i know the name. why? how'd you find me? you a reporter? who sent you? well, if you've got something to tell me, you've got as long as it takes me to hail a cab. and what's that? he just let it explode. the federal building was too well guarded. before the bomb went off? michaud was a twenty-two year veteran of the bureau -- you're saying they destroyed an entire building to hide the bodies of three firemen? i think you're full of shit. i wake you? why not? it's three am. i was until about an hour ago. what are you implying, scully? is that what you'd like me to do? get dressed, scully. just get dressed. i'll explain on the way. we're going to the morgue. on whose orders? general mcaddie is who requested our coming here. we were awakened at three am and told to get down here immediately. well, call general mcaddie. they can patch you in through the switchboard. hey! we don't have time to dick around here watching you demonstrate your ignorance in the chain of command. the order came direct from general mcaddie. call him. we'll conduct our business while you confirm authorization. thank you. why is a morgue suddenly off limits on orders of a general? according to this tag. does this fit the description you just read me, scully? it's like jelly. you're telling me the cause of death on the report is false. that this man didn't die from an explosion, or from flying debris. i'd been told as much. i don't know. but i have a hunch what you're going to find here isn't anything that can be categorized or easily referenced. we're being blamed for these deaths. scully, i want to know what this man died of. don't you? i think this is it up here. is this dr. kurtzweil's residence? i'm looking for him. what's that? yeah, i had an appointment for a pelvic examination. no. don't bother. not according to the men in blue. they want to discredit you -- for what? you mean that apocalyptic trash you write? i knew your name was familiar. i just didn't know why. dr. kurtzweil, i'm not interested in bigoted ideas about race or genocide. i don't believe in the elders of zion, the knights templar, the bilderburg group or in a oneworld jew run government -- how? you said the firemen and the boy were found in the temporary offices of the federal emergency management agency. why? it was a deadly virus spread by field mice in the southwest u.s. several years ago. are you saying it wasn't such a small outbreak? what was it? what killed those men? i'll know soon enough. a plague? negotiating with whom? and they tell me i'm paranoid. how can i reach you? no calling hawaii. why are you whispering? what did you find? what kind of infection? scully -- listen to me. i'm going home, then i'm booking a flight to dallas. i'm getting you a ticket, too. i need you there with me. i need your expertise on this. the bomb we found was meant to destroy those bodies and whatever they were infected by. -- i'll have you back for it, scully. maybe with evidence that could blow that meeting away. scully? hello? i'm looking for anything out of the ordinary. maybe something from the fema offices where the bodies were found. was there anything in those offices that didn't go to d.c.? have you examined them? i'd like this person to take a look, if you don't mind. you said you weren't coming? what did you find? how was it contracted? you said you knew the location of the archeological site where these were found. this is where he marked on the map, scully. where he says those fossils were unearthed. you're sure the fossils you looked at showed the same signs of deterioration you saw in the fireman's body in the morgue? and you've never seen anything like that? this looks like new grass to you? ground's dry about an inch down. somebody just laid this down. very recently, i'd say. no irrigation system. somebody's covering their tracks. hey! you see anybody digging here? nobody. same nobody who put this park in? that new equipment. they buy you these bikes? how do you know? maybe you've been watching too much unmarked tanker trucks. what are archaeologists hauling out in tanker trucks? and where are they going with it? what are my choices? where would they be going? you think they went left? five years together -- how many times have i been wrong. hey, i was right about the bomb, wasn't i? what? we're not chasing trucks, we're chasing evidence -- that bomb in dallas was allowed to go off, to hide something: bodies infected with a virus you detected yourself. yeah, well they may this one. this virus -- it. it may be extraterrestrial. been where? i have no idea. very weird. not unless those are giant jiffy pop containers out there. for the purpose of what? you hear that? maybe. maybe not. scully? run. come on! scully?! scully?! i don't know. yes. on the texas border. some kind of experiment. something they excavated was brought there in tanker trucks. i'm not sure. a virus -- what did it look like? there were bees. and corn crops. what are they? a transportation system. transgenic crops. the pollen genetically altered to carry a virus. your guess? what do you mean, your guess? you told me you had answers. you've been using me -- you didn't know my father -- you're a liar. you lied to me to gather information for you. for your goddamn books. didn't you? kurtzweil! your ass? i just got chased across texas by two black helicopters. what? what's wrong? you can't quit, scully. we're close to something here -- we're on the verge -- after what you saw last night -- after all you've seen -- you can't just walk away -- just like that -- i need you on this, scully -- you're wrong -- you saved me, scully. as different and frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamn strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times; have kept me honest and made me whole. i owe you so much, scully, and you owe me nothing. i don't want to do this without you. i don't know if i can. if i quit now, they win. what? what happened? it must. scully. i think you're in anaphylactic shock scully -- this is special agent fox mulder. i have an emergency -- i have an agent down -- she said she had a taste in the back of her throat -- there was no pre-existing allergy to bee-stings -- the bee that stung her may have been carrying a virus -- oh god. tin man. scarecrow. toto. what am i doing here? penetration but not perforation. when was that? scully had a violent reaction to a bee sting -- they took her -- where's scully?! whoever they are -- this goes right back to dallas -- it goes right back to the bombing -- how deep does this go? are we being watched? i need your clothes, byers. i've got to find scully. no. but i know someone who might have an answer. who better. what happened to kurtzweil? where's scully? is she alive? about the conspiracy? i want to know where scully is. what is it? you're lying. a virus? this is what you've been conspiring to conceal? a disease? what do you mean, walked? that's why you bombed the building. the infected firemen, the boy -- but. he sacrificed his own daughter. my sister, samantha. why are you telling me this? what happened to kurtzweil? where is he? let me out. stop the car. how? what alien environment? what about you? looks beside him where the joint that connects two sections of one of the long tube spokes is designed with an allowance -- a separation that might allow a man to slip through the joint into the tube. which is what mulder does here. hurries to get his jacket unzipped. removing the felt envelope, removing the syringe body, the needle and the scully -- breathe -- can you breathe?! what? hang on. i'm going to get you out of here. we've got to keep moving. you got me. but i think i know what they did with jimmy hoffa. yes you can. you're going to make it, scully. shit -- scully -- you're not dying on me now -- godammit godammit godammit -- keep breathing, scully. scully -- you breathing? we've got to run! watches this then lays his head down on scully's back. he is spent, at the brink of complete exhaustion. his whole body heaving. but now starting to shiver, and to lose consciousness. and yours? you're wrong.