sit down, they're still talking to agent scully. -- they're asking her for a narrative. they want to know why she was in the wrong building. you don't see what's going on here, do you? there's four hundred million dollars in damage to the city of dallas. lives have been lost. no suspects have been named. so the story being shaped is this could have been prevented. that the fbi didn't do its job. agent mulder -- we both know that if you and agent scully hadn't taken the initiative to search the adjacent building, you could have multiplied the fatalities by a hundred -- -- if it looks bad, it's bad for the she's in there right now saying the same thing about you. agent scully says it was she who ordered you out of the building. that you wanted to go back. agent mulder. you're up. she's coming in. agent mulder -- she's missing. we've been unable to locate her or the vehicle they took her in. i know. agent scully reported your suspicions to opr. on the basis of her report, i sent techs over to s.a.c. michaud's apartment. they picked up pstn residues on his personal effects consistent with the construction of the vending machine device in dallas. i don't know. i'm not taking any chances. what are you doing?