yes. is it an emergency? who called this meeting? has strughold arrived? i'm sorry. my grandson fell and broke his leg. more concerns than that? on its own? into what? my god. this isn't colonization, it's spontaneous repopulation. all our work. if it's true, then they've been using us all along. we've been laboring under a lie! how can we know?! in hope of what? learning that it's true?! that we are nothing more than digestives for the creation of a new race of alien lifeforms?! and if it doesn't? by cooperating now we're but beggars to our demise! our ignorance was in cooperating with the colonists at all. our vaccine may have no effect! my lateness may have well been absence. a course has already been taken. do they know? who? no one believes kurtzweil or his books. he's a toiler. a crank. you can't kill mulder. he's got too much light on him. no, you need only take away what is most precious to him. dr. kurtzweil, isn't it? dr. alvin kurtzweil? you're surprised. certainly you've been expecting some response to your indiscretion. i'm quite sure whatever you told agent mulder, you have your good reason. it's a weakness in men our age; the urge to confess. i forgive you that. you must try to understand, what i'm here to do is only to protect my children. you and i have but short lives left. i can only hope the same isn't true for them. mr. mulder. he's come and gone. i have answers for you. yes. i'm quite prepared to tell you everything, though there isn't much you haven't guessed. i think of it as an agreement. a word your father liked to use. the location of agent scully. and the means to save her life. please. a weak vaccine against the virus agent scully has been infected with. it must be administered with ninety six hours. no. though i have no way to prove otherwise. the virus is extraterrestrial. we know very little about it, except that it is the original inhabitant of this planet. a simple, unstoppable lifeform. what is a virus but a colonizing force that cannot be defeated? living in a cave, underground, until it mutates. and attacks. no! for god sake you've got it all backwards. aids, the ebola virus -- on the evolutionary scale they are newborns. this virus walked the planet long before the dinosaurs. your aliens, agent mulder, your little green men, first landed here millions of years ago. those that didn't leave have been laying dormant underground since the last ice age. in the form of an evolved pathogen. waiting to be reconstituted when the alien race from which it came returns to colonize the planet. using us as hosts. against this we have no defense. nothing but a weak vaccine. do you see why it was kept secret? why even the best men -- men like your father -- could not let the truth be known? until dallas, we believed the virus was simply a controlling organism. that mass infection would make us a slave race. imagine our surprise when they began to gestate. my group has been working cooperatively with the alien colonists, facilitating their programs. to give us access to the virus. in false hope we might be able to secretly find a cure. so that we might save ourselves, as the last of the species. your father wisely refused to believe this, choosing hope over selfishness. hope is the only future he had: his children, the only future any of us have. the only true survivors of the viral holocaust will be those immune to it: those vaccinated against it and human. alien hybrids. your father arranged for your sister's abduction. he allowed her to be taken to an alien hybrid program, so that she would survive. as a clone. he had different hopes for you. that you would uncover the truth about the project. that you would stop it. that you would fight the future. i thought it only fair you should know, given how hard you've worked. as your father knew, things need to be sacrificed to the future. dr. kurtzweil is in the trunk. driver. the men i work with will stop at nothing to clear the way for what they believe is their stake in the inevitable future. i was ordered to kill kurtzweil. a necessary action to protect my grandchildren's lives. i might just as easily kill you. trust no one, mr. mulder. you have precious little time. what i've given you the alien colonists have no idea exists. you hold in your hand the power to end the project. the vaccine you hold is the only defense against the virus. its introduction into an alien environment may have the power to destroy the delicate plans we've so assiduously protected for the last fifty years. or it may not. find agent scully. save her. only her science can save the future. my life is over. go. go now!