a coast guard boat crawls into view just off shore. a secret service man in the foreground waves to the boat as it passes by. as the secret service guy waves, he jolts upright, his face contorting in impossible pain. slowly, he is lifted off the ground. jean, cyclops, storm and rogue step off the wing tip of the x-jet onto the island. they climb over the fog encased seawall and stand staring up at the statue and the desolate island. the coast guard boat magneto came in on. the giant tarp on the boat and what is under it. we find logan -- the real logan. he has made it off the statue and is about to jump off the seawall. he stops suddenly. magnetoís boat still sits quietly next to the seawall. a secret service spots the wreckage of magnetoís boat and the large tarp which covers it. he pulls his gun.