e.c.u.-on magnetoís belt, which is lined with metal straps. magnetoís hand comes into frame holding cyclopsí visor and places it against one of the straps. the strap wraps itself back and around, pinning the visor to the belt. he brings a radio to his mouth. magneto looks to his hand -- the chip from cerebro. magneto pulls out the chip taken from cerebro and walks over to jean. magneto struggles to his feet, pulling himself up by his hands. magneto stares at logan, impatient. magnetic energy pours from magnetoís hands toward the machine, behind him jean and storm watch helplessly. magneto looks at the incredible displays as magnetic energy flows from his hands continuing to charge the machine. magneto is strangling rogue, who clings to his face -- drawing his powers. wham -- e.c.u. sabretoothís feet as he lands on the metal floor. he quickly takes in the situation, magneto and rogue are still unconscious. he walks towards storm. loganís breathing is strained, a blood stain in the middle of his shirt, but he is in control. logan looks up, his eyes met by jeanís. nypd and secret service rush up the stairs and into the head. magneto lies unconscious on the floor.