in every organism on earth there exists a mutator gene - the x-factor, as it has come to be known. it is the basic building block of evolution - the reason we have evolved from homo habilus. i am avoiding a question that is decidedly loaded, senator. the wrong person behind the wheel of a car can be dangerous. but not to live. math. history. science. english. athletics -- control, senator. we teach them control. i presume nothing, i am here to tell you that in time, the mutator gene will activate in every living human being on this planet. perhaps even your children, senator. weíre not the ones to be afraid of. anything else i can get you? thereís no smoking or drinking on the school grounds. iíll see what i can do -- you should get some sleep. even with your healing ability, youíre going to be hurting for a while. the professor said you were a solider. actually, i believe he used the word mercenary. maybe, the professor could help you with that. if necessary. get some shut-eye, slick. scott. i - what are you talking about? if magneto is planning to use logan for some terrible purpose itís our responsibility to do something. you know i love you, scott. professor. rogueís missing. heís busy right now. were you now? not interested. let go. he takes his work seriously. what is it youíre failing to get at? are you interested in me? iím just interested. logan, do you see this ring? yeah, iíll bet you have. rogue, where have you been? logan, what are you doing? his vital signs are weak and getting weaker. heís already losing control of his vitals. respiratory. cardiovascular. unless we manage to replace the filter by tomorrow morning, iím afraid. are you all right? he put you in charge for a reason, scott. senator? treat you like a mutant? we are not what you think. not all of us. i donít see these spikes youíre talking about. iím going to give you an antibiotic for the - oh my god. the mutant gene tells the body when it needs to change. in every organism on earth there exits a mutator gene -- the x-factor. the beginnings of another stage of evolution. the mutator gene will activate. well, i think thatís perfectly understandable. whatís that? into the hudson? the lights on the statue of liberty are off. itís too far. iím sorry. iím not strong enough. magneto. iíve seen the results of your machine. iíve seen senator kelly. the experiment was a failure. kelly didnít make it. yes, you were successful in activating his mutator gene, but you failed to take into account the rest of his body -- it wasnít ready for the strain. kelly was dead within hours. your machine kills. you donít understand. you have to stop him, the machine. it kills people. rogue, destroy the machine!