you're avoiding the question i posed to you at the beginning of the hearing, ms. grey. three words: are mutants dangerous? ms. grey -- you work at a school for mutants in westchester, new york. can you tell the members of this committee what exactly you are teaching these mutants? you wouldn't happen to be teaching them how to use their powers to -- this was taken by a state police officer in secaucus, new jersey. a man in a minor altercation literally melted the car in front of him. i don't know where you come from, ms. grey, but where i come from, you don't go melting people's cars when they cut you off. you do it the old fashioned way -- you give 'em the finger. but what you presume to tell this committee - i can assure you, there is no such creature in my genes. i think the presidentís pre-occupation with international affairs has drawn his attention away from this problem. americanís deserve the right to decide whether they want their children to be in school with mutants. to be taught by mutants. they also have the right to know the dangers. thatís the purpose of registration. and mark my words, if the president isnít strong enough to do what needs to be done. i canít believe the president canít see it. i wouldnít be surprised if he has a mutant on his staff. iím not interested in the whole world, henry. iím interested in america. let the rest of the world deal with mutants their own way. home. where the hell are we? dear god. dear. god. you. wha. who are you. where is henry? you mutant bastards. whatever you do to me. no matter what youíll make me right. every word i have spoken will be confirmed. people like you are the reason people like me exist. the intention of registration act - what is it you intend to do to me? oh. oh god. what have you done to me? what have you bastards done to me? dr. grey. your front door was damaged. there was a hole. of course you are. iím sorry to come here, ms. grey. i was afraid if i went to a hospital, they would. tell it to the ones that did this to me. yes. who are you? i was kidnapped. they killed guyrich. mutants. there was a light. a bright. light. whatever you do to me. no matter what -- youíll make me right. every word i have spoken will be confirmed. i can assure you, there is no such creature in my genes. what have you bastards done to me? what is it you intend to do to me? oh. oh god. what have you done to me? dear god. dear. god. if we can not go into the future together, the divisions of fear and prejudice will tear this country apart. no more questions. please, no more questions.