where is it? how do you know my name? what am i doing here? who? no thanks. how about you sit down and leave the kid alone, alright? yeah, well, nobodyís perfect. listen -- i donít want any trouble. look, i appreciate your concern. but, i do better on my own. what are you going to do with her? forty-eight hours, old man. but if you cross me, i wonít feel any guilt about what i do to you. some cigars. case of beer. i wonít light the cigars - how about that? what if i like the pain? yeah? well i donít like to talk about my past. by reading my thoughts? what if theyíre naughty? why is everybody up at sunrise? what did she do to me? i felt like she almost killed me. and you think it helps calling her rogue? inspiring -- now what am i doing here? i donít remember. is that what you wanted to ask me? iíve served with men like you before. methodical. systematic -- naive. you know what happens to those men in a real fight? shut up. i got no interest in you, xavier, or your. x-men. i have a question for you, chuck. whatís the point? this. this whole god damn thing. making yourselves into some sort of ìteamî of super-powered freaks. teaching wayward mutants about classical literature. for what? what if it never happens? what if theyíre so afraid of us that we become the enemy? -- this place is gonna be one giant cemetery. no. thatís me talking. and you know what? itís only been thirty-two hours and you still have no idea what this guy wants with me. where are we going? how? you designed this yourself? he helped you? iíll go. o.k. sport. you go. you should always work with a spotter. i was thinking maybe you and me could go into town. what do you say? suit yourself. heís uptight. he takes himself seriously. iíve seen a lot of rings. hey rogue, tell jean what you were telling me last night. you remember. about women. whatever you say about them being the same. this ainít rogue! jean! what do you want? you think i care about her? iím the only one whoís sure to walk out of here. where am i? what are you going to do? i didnít mean to scare you. iíll go back, but first let me find you a safe place. hey, ya big pussy. not just me. yeah, itís really me. iím o.k. iím o.k. donít you knock? actually iím feeling up to leaving. what?. miss me? charley, iím gonna walk out the front door and trust me, it wonít be soon enough for everyone here. thanks, iíll pay you back. whatís a guy gotta do to get a beer around here?