not this one again. how? i want him. that is all they know because that is all you know. and you may mark my words, senator kelly. all your plotting, all your hatred. i have plans for you. iíve seen you come, and i will see you go. a piece. only a piece. enough for a test. mr. guyrich has been dead for some time senator. gosh, i hope so. are you a ìgod-fearing man,î senator? intention? intention, senator? we are talking about mankind here. his fear. it is only a matter of time before mutants will be herded into camps. studied for weaknesses. and eventually wiped off the face of the earth. letís just say, god works too slowly. where? welcome to the future. brother. you can come out now, logan. youíre among friends. you homo sapiens and your guns. iíll never understand your regard for them, charles. i am trying to save our kind, charles. you should do the same. magneto. the two in alaska. just how do you people manage to be in the right place at the right time? still tinkering with cerebro? canít read my mind? still trying to make the world safe for our kind. still trying to find a way to introduce ourselves -- definitively. letís just say that i am out to make some radical changes. now come on charles. for old times sake, for your sake. leave him to me. if i could make you understand. if you could just be made to see it the way i do. the way itís going to be. iím going to change the world with or without you as a witness, charles. and this one gets a front row seat. this checkmate goes to you. i didnít want to hurt anyone. but you leave me no choice. how are we feeling today, senator? advanced, i hope. telekinesis. i do love a good check mate. come with me and iíll let her live. then why donít you kill her. god works too slowly. youíre a leader senator kelly, you set an example. because if more of you. were like more of us. like more of us. welcome to the future. brother. the brotherhood of mutants. youíre backstage at the encore of creation. in the road to survival, there is always sacrifice logan. we are the future. not them. we must protect ourselves. after tonight, when the leaders of the world return home -- they will return as brothers, as mutants. and our cause will be theirs. this is survival, i know you understand that, logan. or is it wolverine? give me your tired, your poor. be careful everyone. i think we may have company. lights on. mystique. mystique, where are you? if the temperature changes a single degree. i only need one hostage. and i know you can -- it is a five minute run from the furthest distance on this island. if you are not back in this time. i will kill these friends of xavierís. including the young lady from the gymnasium. i think they came here to ìrescue you.î xavier is dying you know. five minutes logan. here -- xavierís life. ahhhh, so the good senator survived his fall? and the swim to shore? he is stronger than i ever could have imagined. quiet. why canít you see what i am trying to do? why do you stand in my way? ahh, there you are. what is? i wouldnít really have let you die, you know. i just needed. doesnít it ever wake you in the middle of the night? the feeling that some day, some day very soon, they will pass that foolish law - or one just like it - and they will come for you and your children? take you all away? and what do you do when you wake up to that? but you know that it is a war, old friend. and to win a war it takes the will to fight it at all costs, by any means necessary. and for that reason, i will always have the advantage. no matter how you trap me, how i am contained - and mate.