pest control division. working with exterminators. still smoking cheap cigars? logan spits the butt of the severed cigar from his mouth and clenches his fists. lumberjack. eighteen grand a.year. you content chopping down trees? starting to miss it? bagged or breathing? weapon x is in the farmhouse. he just murdered.two civilians. fire at will. an apache longbow helicopter streaks overhead, fifty feet above the ground. locate the target and fire again. repeat: locate the target and fire again. your boy just took down fifty million dollars worth of hardware. guess i got to do this myself. have a little faith, boss. don't care what kind of bones he's got. fifty caliber bullet through his eyeball ought to do it. i'm losing you, boss. agent zero clicks off his headset and.raises the sniper rifle, searching through the smoke with his scope. agent zero come out and play. you ever notice good people tend to die when they spend time with you? he swings the knife at the side of logan's neck.`logan catches agent zero's wrist and slams it against the door frame. agent zero drops the knife with a pained smile. he didn't think that would work. agent zero maybe you should stick with the bad people. we're more your speed.