so if this works, i guess weapon x won't be walking through any metal detectors. how long before he's mission operative? uncharted territory is a pretty good description of your budget, colonel. this doesn't work, you can kiss the eleven good-bye. not everyone in the pentagon thinks there's gonna be a war. stryker turns and fixes his gaze on the general. is there a problem? stryker allows himself a small smile. i take it this is still part of the plan, colonel? is it made out of adamantium? this is turning into a goddamn disaster, colonel. success? are you kidding me? i'm sorry, william. i've lost confidence in your leadership. i'm going to recommend your dismissal to the joint chiefs. stryker stares out the window at the distant lake, with no visible reaction to the general's words. i know you believe in what you're doing. but i don't. war with the mutants is not inevitable. the general coughs. he begins to look confused as he coughs again, his breathing gone suddenly ragged. he clutches at his chest. a thin smile curls stryker's lips. he turns to regard the general.