sir? stryker stops and waits.for her to catch up. hines i know we've discussed this before-- he knows what she's going to say. he shakes his head and continues down the hallway, forcing hines to chase after him. anesthetic won't work on him. his healing factor neutralizes drugs. including painkillers. we've never conducted any animal he might not, either. there's a significant chance the procedure will kill him. nttnttfn ) sir. i took the hippocratic oath. i swore i'd never intentionally harm another human being. stryker turns on hines, jabbing his finger at her. yes sir, but i don't understand why- one sixty. heart rate one ninety. body temperature one zero eight. heart rate two ten. sir-- a dying russian lies on his back on a dock in odessa, staring at the sky, his shirt punctured with three precise holes. logan stares down at him, bone claws extended. 1 heart rate two twenty five. sir, we're well beyond maximum-- heart rate two forty four. two fifty. two fifty seven. core temperature one hundred and nineteen degrees. .a young stryker, wearing jungle fatigues and a necklace of human ears, holds a revolver to the temple of a sobbing viet cong prisoner. stryker smiles as he pulls the trigger. the creme de la creme just got creamed. stryker gives her a very nasty look before turning to general munson and speaking in calming tones. i can't. please. you don't know what they'll do to me. i don't believe you. you're different than they are. you wouldn't hurt an innocent person. it's not the weapon x program, it's the weapon ultra program. started sixty-five years ago. they've been trying to make the perfect soldier for a long time. first to fight the nazis. then the communists. now it's mutants. you don't understand. x is a letter but it's also a roman numeral. weapon "ex" is a nickname. officially, you're weapon ten. i don't know about anyone getting killed. i'm just a scientist. i work in a lab sixteen hours a day. he was your commanding officer for years. how many people did you kill on his orders? logan stares at her for a long count. she stares back, terrified but resolute. good morning! the sentry looks into the car's cabin. the passenger seat is empty. the back seat is empty. the trunk? it's safe. logan crawls out from the underbody, where he had been clinging. he dusts himself off. sorry about that. now what? you have some blood on your shirt. logan sees the drops of blood and tries to blot them out. welcome to weapon eleven. ten thousand. they reach the cavern floor and walk amongst the eleven. hines stryker says mutants and humans will fight a war soon. this is his army. the camera glides over the isolation tanks as hines continues to speak. we catch glimpses of the eleven inside, comatose soldiers with needles and wires protruding from their skin, exactly like logan during the weapon x procedure. the men all look identical and they all look oddly familiar. hines they incorporate the most successful features of the previous weapons. enhanced skeletons, heightened senses, healing factor-- f r0nttnttf.t) i stryker's most successful mutant hunter. they cloned him years ago. i think that's the general idea. logan stops in mid--stride, head raised in the manner of a hunting dog who has just caught wind of his prey. hines what's the matter? logan moves, walking quickly, nearly knocking over a technician entering data into one of the stasis pods. where you going? logan never turns. f ronttnut n % please, colonel-- stryker pats hines on the cheek and nods to victor. please don't do this. please! victor drags the screaming hines off of her cot. kayla watches with growing unease but stryker smiles and- waves goodbye as he turns the key that shuts the cell door. no. 29: i even showered today. logan turns, the axe gripped in his hand. stryker been a long time, logan. you haven't aged a day. everyone else gets old and gray, but not you. claws did. unless i give you the tools. logan glares at stryker, still itching for immediate revenge. stryker you come with me, i promise you two things. you will suffer more pain than any other man could bear. and you will have your revenge. logan stares into stryker's eyes. now you'll always know your name. yep. yep. forty years of conversation, all i get is yeps. heather grabs her husband's arm. heather hudson jimmy! james turns in time to see a naked man sprint across the snow and slip inside a red sheep barn. heather hudson i think there's a naked man in the barn. i'm not worried about you scaring her. yeah? tell me. the smirk fades from zero's face as he sees the adamantium claws plunging toward his heart. i'm going after victor creed. for several seconds there is silence on the line. i .put a whole lot of people under the ground. and one day i realized. stryker was never gonna run out of names. wraith nods, meditative. i been screwed, sued, and tattooed, but i never killed no kids. feds built it to hold the baddest of the bad mutants. worked pretty well. only problem-- now they all know each other. you ever hear of a guy named fred j. dukes? at this point, logan is merely an inconvenience. he won't be for long. you been misinformed. victor creed got himself a government pardon. some fellas from the department of agriculture came and picked him up. tell me about creed. hines opens her mouth, closes it, opens it again. victor creed is weapon nine. hines watches him, unsure how he'll react. hines both of you are experiments. prototypes. the final product is almost ready. weapon eleven. logan's face darkens as the extent of his betrayal becomes clear to him. murphy. hines waits till murphy passes. she stops in front of a locked door and allows a laser scanner to read her retina. the door slides open. logan looks through the open doorway, his nostrils flaring. he looks primed for homicide. i thought it was just gonna be one guy. this is. the colonel's been planning this for a long time. _ logan walks through the midst of this vast, sleeping army, surrounded by ten thousand replicas of his worst enemy. let's go. he'll only be out for a couple minutes. creed tosses aside the bat and lifts logan onto his shoulders as easily as a normal man would lift a child of six. he carries logan out of the room, winking at kayla. ) good. i'm coming down. the eleven is ready. he stands and heads for the door. collins follows. in the doorway, stryker stops and fixes his cold blue gaze on kayla. stryker don't worry, my sweet. you're one of the good ones. i'll protect you. he and collins exit the room, leaving kayla alone with her misery. oh. i guess that's. i guess that's a good idea. he turns off the electricity. 1conttn ird 1 do you remember me? in one blinding motion, logan snatches kayla by the throat and roughly pulls her to him. she does not resist. why do you hate us so much? stryker's finger trembles on the trigger. kayla is it because your son is one of us? for the first time, perhaps, we see something human in the cold blue of stryker's eyes. kayla enough killing, colonel. throw your gun in the lake. r 1